Gallimimus Species in Lindrinor | World Anvil
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The Galimimus a species of theropod dinossaur vastly found through out all of Ralbun island. It's a herd living animal that is pretty fast and agile (for this reason some humans are using this animals in races and other speedy-like challenges). They are pretty harmless to humanoids but, like all dinossaurs (and birds, consequently) they are not affective and needy animals.

Basic Information


The galimimus, like all other theropod dinossaurs, walk on two legs and have short arms. They look like a modern ostrich, but much taller and longer. They are all covered in bright-coloured feathers (specially on the arms)

Genetics and Reproduction

This species, like all dinossaurs, lay eggs to reproduce. They have a courtship common to other birds and dinos, in which the male shows his coloured feathers and tries to impress the female with a little tap-like dance.

Growth Rate & Stages

The chicks grow pretty quickly and exchange their feather (like all birds) while growing up. They have a dense plumage on the start of life, while the adults show more complex and diverse feathers, specially in the arms.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The gallimimus live in big herds (or flocks, whichever you preffer) of arround a hundred individuals. In some grass abundant places of the island, this species can be found living in herds with numbers higher than ten thousand individuals.


After the expedition to Ralbun island to destroy Oxabal and his minions in 94, this species was domesticated by the Zugspite Cabal druids and they are now used by some humans and elves as a racing animal. Their maximum speed is pretty high and they are also very agile and resilient, making the perfect animal for more "dangerous" races. Some are also starting to use this feathered fellas as draft animals.

Facial characteristics

Long and thin muzzle with eyes looking forward. They have small and pointy plant-slashing teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ralbun Island

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The gallimimus' hearing is one of the best in the animal kingdoms. They need to keep a sharp and precise hearing to detect potential stalking predators, for they are pretty deadly in Ralbun.
Scientific Name
Galimimus bulatus
12 years
Conservation Status
Like all dinossaurs, this species is only found in Ralbun Island. It does not risk extinction, unsless some apocalipse event happens on the island.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The feathers of the gallimimus are imensely coloured.


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