Roh, The Green Giant Character in Lindorwyn | World Anvil
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Roh, The Green Giant (Roe)

Deity of Beginnings

Spring is a time for growth. Many great thinkers and teachers attribute Roh's guidance during the season of spring the to wanderlust of students and the well spring of ideas that seem to flow. Farmers plant the seeds of food, merchants start new enterprises, and lovers start families. Spring is a time for beginnings  

The First Mage

Roh is best known for being the cultivator of primal magics. Attributed as being the creator of the first, most powerful magical spells; Roh used the elements of nature to harness and craft ways to weave and sculpt nature. He did so by forging pacts with each element, and using this connection to call upon great elemental magics.   While often associated with elementalists, being the father of all magics, he is also worshipped as a master mage. His devotees followed his footsteps in taming the elements, what is called the Path of Roh or Cosaroh, starting with earth then following with fire, air, and lastly water. Those that complete the Cosaroh are recognized as master mages in their own right, but many fail.  

Faerie King

The king of Fae prefers to spend his time in the wilds of the Verdant Green rather then attending the the court of spring. He is known to be often absent from discussion and deliberation in his court, and leaves most decisions upon to the those who take the time to attend. This leads to a majority of decisions made by the court to be more light hearted and jovial. Most arguments that break out will be about whether to send a cooling breeze or a warm sky to mortals holding a festival, or which flower should bloom first each year. As such spring tends to be a wild time on Lind. A time when people find an abundance of potential in the world.   Should the Faerie king attend court the spring courts mood shifts rapidly. The topics of court become intense, usually reflecting whatever philosophy Roh has been pondering the past year, the best and brightest participates in discussion. Storms will roll over Lind during this time. Even with the presence of Roh the outcome of this intense deliberation session results nothing more than revelry.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Nature, Knowledge

Tenets of Faith

"Let them grow. Let them flourish in the sun. Should you fall let it be to fertile soul, and let the rains of knowledge lift you back to success."
Roh's dogma is one of growth those who follow him believe that life is a journey in which everyone need always continue learning or growing. Whether that be in wealth, virtue, or knowledge. Additionally, ones progression should never come at the cost of another. If you believe there is only two ways you simply have not found the third, fourth, or fifth.


Family Ties

Son of Titania and Oberon


Arha, Queen of Eternity


Towards Roh, The Green Giant



Roh, The Green Giant


Towards Arha, Queen of Eternity



Roh, The Green Giant


Towards Reddath, The Harbinger


Reddath, The Harbinger


Towards Roh, The Green Giant


Divine Classification
Current Location
Masculine Presenting
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


Roh's Devotee

Piety 3+ Roh Trait
You can cast Entangle with this trait a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Roh's Votary

Piety 10+ Roh Trait
You can cast Dispel Magic with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the sell in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spell casting modifier.

Roh's Disciple

Piety 25+ Roh Trait
You gain some claim over the elemental forces of the world. As a part of the a long rest choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. You gain resistance to the chosen element until you choose a different element using this feature.

Champion of Spring

Piety 50+ Roh Trait
You can increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

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