Human Species in Lindorwyn | World Anvil
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Humans are the most prominant race on Lind due to there nature adaptiblity. In fact, many humans take on the characteristics of the other races they live near even though these new attributes are never as pronounced as there neighbors. This phenomeon has been attributed to the humans ability to adapt through there generations and then passing down mutations that favor their surroundings, but still others believe it is sort of magic or a gift from one of the Divinities.   Humans are also the only race to be known to suffer from Blood Curses which result in an offspring of two normal parents being cursed with an incurable abnormality. The curse cannot be passed down to the offspring of the cursed one, but many hold their superstitions about them still.

Basic Information


Humans come in all shapes and sizes, but on average range between five (5) feet to seven (7) feet in height with a standard humanoid arrangement. They appear with skin colors along the spectrum of browns with the lightest being close to a cream color and the darkest being best described as the midnight sky. Eye colors are often green and brown mixtures with a rarer colorations being blue or grey.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans come of age at the age of 18 years old and often live until their late 80s.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans can be found in every major metorpolis and are prominant in the country sides of the Lind

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Humans will normally have a first name and a surname expressing the relation to their family, but many will also follow the naming traditions of the majority race in certain areas. An example of this being Humans found in Gagate will often have one of three clan names similiar to Dwarvish traditions.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Genetic Descendants
Unknown Origin
90 years
Average Height
5'2" - 6'2"

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ability score increase: Three different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
race features:
Bonus Proficiency. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. alternativity, you can gain proficiency in one type of armor, a tool set, musical instrument, or weapon of your choice instead of a skill.   Human Versatility. Choose one of the following traits:
  • Divine Calling (Prinate). When you make a death saving throw and fail you may instead choose to succeed. This can only happen once per long rest.
  • Ancestral Worship (Utearo). You learn the Guidance cantrip. When you reach 6th level, you can cast the Speak with Dead spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest.
  • Frontier Life (Limar). You gain one Feat of your choice.
  • Deep Mine Adaptation (Xirith). Accustomed to life underground, you have adapted your vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Meditation Training (Zura). Instead of sleeping you can meditate deeply, remaining semi-conscious reflecting on the events of the past day ang running mental exercises. While taking a long rest you may remain conscious instead of sleeping, but you must remain motionless unable to preform any action except sound based perception checks while doing so.
  • Trader's Tongue (Ewolia). Your time among the many guilds and tradesmen of Ewolia have taught you to communicate though any means necessary. After spending 10 minutes with a humanoid that knows a language you do not know, you can communicate simple phrases and ideas to them through hand gestures and other rudimentary means.
  • Trial of Scales (Renyth). After years you've built up resistance to certain sources of damage. Choose either: Acid, Cold, Fire, Poison, Lightning, or Thunder. Whenever you would take damage of the chosen type reduce the damage by 1d8 + your constitution modifier.
  • Adaptability. Increase your other two ability score, that you did not choose, by 1.


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