Ha Verbos Koru Organization in Like Clockwork | World Anvil

Ha Verbos Koru (hau ˈweirbɔs ˈkoru)

Ha Verbos Koru or the Chromatic Insurgency, is the term given by the The Holy Empire of Palacuun to a sect of mostly Chromatic Dragonborn 'agitators' who call themselves the Kektimoplo Dotsaien Posor (or the Coalition for Cultural Unity).   The Meilfron mi Fromnae considers the Koru to be dangerous worshippers of Shkultior, the ancient enemy of Meilfron. Rooting out the insurgency is one of the highest priorities for the Golden Inquisition.
Illicit, Rebel

Cover image: Kealaphus World Map by Kay Fullmer


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