The Kingdoms of Anzol Organization in Ligreida | World Anvil
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The Kingdoms of Anzol

The Kingdoms of Anzol are a collection of nine petty monarchies, working in a loose coalition of a country, united by the desire to stand against their close neighbours of Nol and Churiete, and many others who live abroad.

Anzol is famed for its quarries, which has in turn impacted the culture that has developed from it. Given the vast quantities of stone and precious materials that are dug up, the merchants and nobility have taken to displaying the excess in various majestic and radiant manners, making their distinction from the working class far more visually striking.

In recent centuries, Anzol discovered a vein of adamantine, that they have slowly been mining out. Given the value of this resource, offers were made to the Kingdom of Korbal; they would trade them the adamantine they mined, in return for gunpowder. Korbal was more than happy to oblige, and a continuous trade has existed between the two countries ever since.

Due to the melding of previous petty monarchies through long ages of warfare, and the rise and fall of civilisations in the many millenia that have passed of this world, many legends of a curious nature exist amongst the citizenry. Some legends talk of an old king, Neklak the Just, rallying the forces that would help lay the foundation for the Lenochod monarchy, and after a grand battle against long forgotten invaders, King Neklak led his men into the depths of the Radník mountains, and entered a deep and unmoving slumber. It is said that when Anzol is in the heart of its deepest terror, King Neklak and his men will wake from their slumber and defeat the enemy at the gates. Many pray he will never be needed.

Numerous other legends talk about strange witches that lived in moving huts, a young woman who would appear at disputes held at crossroads to judge the merit of the quarrel, or silver fish that swam through woodland as if it were water. Anzol has long been a place of strange fairy-like activity, for it is believed fey crossings are more prevalent here than anywhere else.

The vast majority of citizens in Anzol are of either the Shifter lineage, or the Bugbear lineage.


The Kingdoms of Anzol are formed of the various monarchies, listed below.
Monarchy Location Lineage
Kotel Churiete Facing Werebat
Nelaskavo Churiete Facing Wereraven
Mi'sto Churiete Facing Werevulture
Neplechu Central Wererat
Zvukar' Central Wereboar
Lenochod Central Werebear
Balicek Nol facing Werewolf
Pruh Nol facing Weretiger
R'emi'nek Nol facing Werefox

The R'emi'nek are considered the wealthiest of their compatriots, owing to their shared border with Nol, allowing the country greater access to the rest of the continent - and its wealth.


Inspired by Czech Republic
Primary Race: Therianthropes/Shifters
Secondary Race: Bugbear
Neighboring Nations

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