The Administrator Character in Life After Moonrise | World Anvil
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The Administrator

Administrator James Bolden

Administrator James Bolden, is the current head of the Lab. He was put in charge as a temporary measure while Dr.Rush is prosecuted for the events of Battle Island. He's honestly known as a complete and total nuissance. The man has in his short tenure allowed Zeron Drear Kreuzigung to escape custody, removed Lorelei McKellar from the agency's watchlist, and has already cost the Lab many of its best workers as career personnel flee into more stable or morally acceptable positions in the private sector.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

James is a purely average man. He's only ever seen wearing fine, custom-tailored suits. He's clean shaven, with well groomed hair and a perfectly white smile. He frequently has some form of fancy coffee at hand, though he honestly has absolutely no idea what makes any of them special. Cappucino and frappe and the like seem like buzzwords to him uttered by the rich and powerful, so he tries to use them as much as possible.

Mental characteristics


James Bolden has bounced from job to job throughout his life. He's almost always up the ass of some major, political figure, all but begging for a nice job. He's a corporate Yes-Man. His entire employment history has been a matter of knowing who to talk to, who to obey, and where to be, at the right time. Over the years, he's been an assistant to various senators, worked on political campaigns, and a corporate executive. Notably, nearly every group he's worked with has suffered extreme set backs while he was employed there. This man is never sent somewhere intended to thrive.

Morality & Philosophy

Bolden has absolutely zero morals. The man would sell his grandma for a stale donut. He obeys his backers/supporters, essentially regardless of what they demand. He hasno backbone, no scruples, and no interest in anyone except for himself. It's that simple, he's a jackass in a position of power.
Year of Birth
Pale Brown
Black, slickly groomed.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
156 LB

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