Augustus Character in Life After Moonrise | World Anvil
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Augustus Malleolus

Christopher's right-hand in the rebellion. One of the strongest vampires, in terms of raw, brute strength. He's a simple man, with little true ambition of his own, worn down by the centuries. Among all the vampires, he's probably the best at understanding and working with the werewolves. A brute himself, he's able to wrangle them and stand a decent chance in direct combat.   The Apocalypse Wolves in the Rebellion seem slightly more willing to obey him than the other vampires. It may be that his massive form seems more like them. A vampire with the mind of a werewolf? It remains to be seen.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Augustus is perhaps the biggest vampire in the rebellion. He's tall, above average for a human, but more than that, he's buff and broad. The man is just a shy inch or two slimmer than most doorframes. He's retained the muscles of his living days. It's left him weaker than a werewolf, but strong enough to take one on head-on and stand a decent chance of manuevering into a victory with some cunning moves. Lesser vampires would need knives and silver. He could win by pummeling his opponent.   His clothes, way of dress, are dull and old fashioned. He dresses somewhat like it's still the late 1700s. Long pants, boots, and knitted shirts. He seems almost like a godfather from the 19th century. A relic of days long gone. A man who could have been a kingpin if he'd never gotten bitten, if he'd been born just a century or two later.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Augustus was a struggling vampire in the Philadelphia Family, even before Christopher joined. He was a physically powerful man before he was bitten. His lover, a woman on her way up in the world of Vampires turned him. She was the brains of their political wrangling and he was always the muscle. A powerful man, eye-candy, everything seemed to be going up, until she was taken out. Her meddling had crossed the master of the New York familiy. He had her wiped out. It left Augustus at the peak of his vampiric career. In the human world, he might've rose to command a small military unit, been a minor lieutenant in a gang, or something similar. Among the vampires? He was too dull, slow-witted, and they had no respect for that kind of power.   Christopher at least was always kind to him. He couldn't pull him straight to the top, but he gave Augustus some guidance. He told him what to avoid, warned him when things weren't going to go well. He was a good friend and kept a decent watch over him across the centuries. Any time Christopher needed a bit of muscle, Augustus was always happy to answer the call. He had uncommon strength for a Vampire, being able to go head to head against even werewolves and stand a chance without resorting to outright trickery.   This status of watching out, receiving help, and so on lasted for a few centuries. Augustus backed the coup in the 80s, supporting Christopher's push to put Angelo in power. As a vampire OF the family, from its oldest routes, Augustus's voice held weight. He helped tos way the others, a key vote in pushing the change of command. He was a significant pillar of the community. He wasn't an in-charge man, but he was always helpful, dependable, and reliable. The fact that he never was in charge lended him greater power. He was seen as lacking political ambition, unbiased.   Unfortunately, Angelo was no kinder to Augustus than Christopher. They both remained on the outside edge of the family, never to rise any higher than they were. Trapped on the outs. When Christopher arranged his coup in 2020, Augustus was all too willing to sign on.


Intelligence is not Augustus's strong point. It took a good 300 years for Christopher to convince him to learn to read. He was always more of a skilled tradesmen, doing things more by instinct and muscle memory than true knowledge. Originally, he was a wood worker, with some interest in becoming a blacksmith. It's where he got his strength from. Long days chopping down and shaping trees, long nights in his first few moments of practice at blacksmithing. Unfortunately, the centuries have dulled his former trade. He's forgotten most of it, only good as a thug now.

Personality Characteristics


Originally, Augustus was an ambitious man. A happy man. He wanted to be something, a key figure of his town. He would work, becoming a bigshot, someone the town couldn't live without, an essential craftsman. When he got bit, that motivation turned to being a key figure to his wife, and by extension, the vampire family. When she died, his ambition faded. By the 20th century, he had little direct ambition of his own.   In a sense, Augustus is now almost a yes-man. His key motivation is to help his friends. Mainly, Christopher. Help him achieve his goals, and hopefully be rewarded. He hopes simply to have a happy life, and little more than that.

A simple, good man, if a Vampire. He's perhaps on the wrong side, but he's there to help his friend.

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Dark Brown
Dull, dark red.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
245 LB
Aligned Organization


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