The Vorax Plague Condition in Leveus | World Anvil
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The Vorax Plague

"In the wake of Conquest, there shall be a brutal peace, and in that peace the crops shall grow again, and the people shall consume them, unsuspecting. But within the wheat, the Adversary has concealed his Weapon, and whosoever has consumed that wheat or its product, and knows Sin, shall see it manifest upon their flesh in great boils, and shall sicken, and soon die. And this shall be known as the Vorax Plague."
    In the third of the prophecies of the Oracles of Rilos, which detail how the end of the world will begin, the Vorax Plague is a sickness that will spread in the wake of the Horseman Conquest. It is unleashed by The Adversary, seeking to claim the souls of those who have sinned to survive the passing of the first two Horsemen before they can repent, and is foretold to be spread by the consumption of wheat. The plague is said to initially affect only "those who know sin", which is usually interpreted as those who have sinned without repentence and penance (some hardline sects extend it to any sin at all, repentant or otherwise), and to produce large boils upon the skin. However, it seems that whatever protection piety offers is insufficient for long, as there are later descriptions of afflicted holy men.

Transmission & Vectors

Spread through infected wheat, and wheat products.


The most obvious symptom of the disease is "great boils" upon the skin, with other symptoms implied from the passages of the propecies where sufferers are mentioned. Most of these references are offhand and indistinct, making deriving an actual picture of the Vorax Plague impossible. It can be inferred that early stages of the disease include fatigue or weakness, as some sufferers are later described as "so burdened by their sickness they cannot stand" not long after infection, and it is said to be fatal "in but seven days to the strongest", so mortality within a week can be expected for most.    Some sufferers are described as "ravenously consuming the tainted bread", which it has been argued implies that the plague either causes extremes of hunger or else a compulsion to eat, or perhaps just to eat infected wheat.


The plague is apparently transmissible, as the prophecies speak of its spreading among the people of the world, though no actual method is specified. It is assumed to be transmitted via miasma, as other diseases are understood to be.
Chronic, Acquired


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