Orelus Geographic Location in Leven Galaxy | World Anvil

Orelus (oɹɛlʌs)

Orelus is the capital of the Galactic Heart Republic. It serves as the primary hub of nearly all galactic commerce, trade, and culture.  

Early History

Very little is known about the early history of Orelus. Even the origin of its namesake is unknown. What is known however is it was once a lush continental world. It was populated exclusively by humans until the discovery of faster-than-light travel. It was one of the first planets to discover the Warp Drive and is the founding site of the alliance that later became the Galactic Heart.


Orelus is covered mostly is shallow mountains, vast grassy plains, and sprawling cities. Its largest continent is covered entirely in city structures, making it a distinct geographic feature.  


Maris. The largest of the continents, Maris covers roughly one-fifth of the planet's surface. At once, it was mostly vast grass plains and rolling hills, but has since been covered entirely by city sprawl.   Enodo. Enodo is the second-largest continent on the planet and is located mostly in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the rockiest and most barren of the eight continents, having very little natural vegetation or cities. Being the planet's southern pole, it's mostly covered in a thin ice sheet, save for it's outermost edges, which are mostly chilly deserts.   Amidal. Located east of Maris, Amidal is the third-largest continent. It has the most rough terrain of the other continents. Containing numerous mountains valleys. It has the fewest cities of any continent, even less than Enodo. It is also the location of the tallest mountain on the planet, Mount Enris.   Quince. Just west of Maris, Quince is the fourth-largest continent. Though it isn't as thoroughly covered as Maris, it still heavily marked by numerous cities. It is mostly even plains and thin forests, making it one of the prime locations for agriculture.   Frik. Frik is the fifth-largest continent on the planet. It is the location of the planet's northern pole and covered mostly in a thin ice sheet, with very little habitable land.   Lenna. Lenna is the sixth-largest continent and located just south of Quince. It shares a large land bridge with Enodo. It has third-largest amount of city sprawl covering it's land. It's terrain is nearly identical to Quince, mostly made of grassy plains and scattered forests.   Sinci. The smallest of the nine continents. It is located on the exact opposite hemisphere as Maris. Like Amidal, its terrain is slightly rougher than the other continents, thought to a lesser extent.


Orelus is mostly a warm temperate planet, with two chilly poles in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

Natural Resources

Orelus is considered a protected planet, so it's natural resources are highly protected. Mining is illegal and so are pollution producing industries. It does, however, have a semi-prolific agricultural system. The vast grassy plains make ideal land to raise livestock and grow crops. However, thanks to Orelus' high population, it is not capable of sustaining its self without risking soil exhaustion, so it is reliant on imports to supplement its production.


Primara is a populat destination for tourism. It's primary attraction is it's massive city, Primara, which covers nearly one-fifth the planet's surface.
  • Terrestrial
  • Continental
  • Capitol
  • Encumenopolis
Primary Terrain
  • Grass Plains
  • Forests
  • Oxygen (21%)
  • Nitrogen(78%)
  • Other elements (1%)
Native Species
  • Human
Major Cities
  • Primara (capital)
  • Secunda
  • Conrad
  • Fyarr
  • Fyarr System
Alternative Name(s)
The Capital, The Heart's Heart
Location under
Owning Organization


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