Hrimrur Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Three-Eyed Wolf, The Bringer of the End)


Hrimrur is the Fragment of Death, Decay and Endings and the most powerful of Twelve Progenitor Gods. He both represents the natural cycle of life and death, as well as the gradual decline into disorder of all living things. Hrimrur shows that all life ends in stillness and fiercely opposes any transgression against the natural order. He does not actively interfere much in the world, seemingly caring for little except observing the inevitable spiraling of the world into quiet death. He has willingly given up most of his rights to interfere as recorded in the Covenant to his fellow God Rimorbus, but in exchange his power has grown massively and he can pull power from Rimorbus's domains. With the power of two fragments, no one will be able to deny him when the inevitable end does come.   Hrimrur is like a primal force, even more so than most other Gods, for he does not feel the need to let his passing be known or to be worshiped at all. As a being of immense power, his presence is of course still quite easily noticed by the living, as he brings with him howling winds and bitter cold wherever he goes. Where he sets foot, life passes at a staggering rate and withers just as quickly, completing its natural cycle at a rate that none would envy. Some claim that even the other Gods fear his touch, for it could end even them with prolonged contact. Whether this is true or not is debatable, and not something any mortal could ever know for certain.


Worshipers of Hrimrur are somewhat uncommon due to the perceived negative aspects of his teachings. Those who do worship him come from all walks of life, although graveyard attendants are disproportionately represented. What priests he does have tend to organize themselves into rigidly structured monastic orders where they tend to the final wishes of the dying as they record their passing from this world, as well as the important events that caused the deaths of many. While they do not oppose regular resurrection methods, they do not wish to be resurrected themselves, viewing it as a punishment rather than a blessing.   His paladin orders are generally dedicated to hunting down necromancers who trap the souls of the dead in the world of the living and do so with extreme prejudice. Undeath is an unnatural extension of life in His faith, and thus a rejection of one's own fate. It is something that should not be and as such will be undone by their hands, in His name.  


He is usually depicted as a gigantic Winter Wolf whose skin is clinging to its bones as if it hasn't eaten in weeks. White mist swirls around him and in the center of its head is a horizontal third eye. Each of its eyes is a clear white and its fur is a silvery blue that seems to shimmer as if moving between planes.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Decay, Death, Endings   Domains (5E): Death, Grave

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The skull of a wolf. Worshipers of Hrimrur often wear masks made of wolf skulls during rituals.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the The First Five

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