Rimorbus Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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Rimorbus is the Fragment of Health and Atrophy, and of Death and Rebirth. He represents a very particular aspect of death, namely that of inflicted death, being associated with pestilence and plague but also war and destruction. In this latter aspect, he is often called upon by warlords from all over to bring death to their enemies. He strongly believes that death is an essential part of the renewal of life, the old should make way for the new, and do so often. As such, he has no issue in meddling in the affairs of life and death more actively. He has been known to grant his followers longer lifespans so they may fulfill their destined roles, while also striking down others with atrophy and disease as he sees fit. In this sense he is diametrically opposed to Hrimrur, who takes a more passive stance to the life-death cycle and believes that all will end in stillness.  


The worship of Rimorbus varies quite heavily from place to place, but generally the idea of rebirth is received more easily in rural places, whereas in larger cities the negative aspects of pestilence and such prevent him from being as widely worshiped. Even then, his aspect of Health and inflicted Death do make him nominally popular among soldiers for example. That being said, he also does not seem to seek worship as much and neither do his priesthood. His temples are often just modest gardens.   Interestingly enough, his priests are generally the most capable healers around, although they are slightly feared. His priesthood has made it a point to study all diseases, or His Tools as they call them, and this extensive knowledge means they are your best chance at being cured. Of course this comes at a price, if you seek their aid, you are also giving them permission to study you. If you happen to be afflicted with a new variant of a disease, they will want to get to the bottom of this, although they do have a strict moral code about not bringing harm to patients. They do not consider curing someone to go against their God's beliefs, because if someone is capable of surviving a disease, then they were meant to. Pestilence is the great equalizer, and those who survive become stronger for it.   He has very few Paladins, although not none. They tend to practice their art in secret, but if a transgression against the cycle of rebirth (e.g. necromancy) takes place, you may suddenly find that several of the townsfolk are Paladins of Rimorbus, and always were.  


He is often depicted as an emaciated man, with boils covering his skin, wearing a faded and torn robe and cowl. His facial structure is normal, except near the mouth area where it turns into a bony raven's beak. His form is usually trailed by a cloak of smoke and shadows, that upon closer inspection seems to consist of spectral skulls.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Health, Atrophy, Death, Rebirth
  Domains (5E): Life, Grave

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A head where half the face is that of a young man, and the other is an elderly man.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the First Five

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