Duchy of Solland Organization in Levantis | World Anvil
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Duchy of Solland


The Duchy of Solland, more commonly known as The Vale is one of the seven Duchies that Middenland is divided into. The region is lead by the noble House Volan from the capital city of Merovin, currently headed by Ricardo Volan. Located in the center east of Middenland, the landscape largely consists of rolling valleys with intercrossing rivers. To the west are sprawling forests, which contribute to the forestry in the region, and the capital is home to the headquarters of the Middenland Miller's Assocation. There are however also some cursed, dark woods with mutated trees that possess eyes and mouths, and lash out at any living creature nearby. These mutated forests are also home to savage beast-men that strike fear into the heart of many and are the subject of scary children's tales. Most of the region's resources come from herding animals, farming and forestry. The invention of log drivers to bring logs to the waterwheel-driven sawmills, as well as the development of higher quality gangsaws has elevated the forestry industry in Solland. There are also some natural resources present such as iron and copper deposits.  


House Volan has always been one of the weaker houses of Middenland. The past few heads have also been less active in the web of schemes that the other Duchi busy themselves with. This has led to The Vale falling somewhat behind in new discoveries and industrial expansion. Fortunately the many rivers that cross through the Vale are a necessity for transport from many of the northern duchies to the southern trading centers. The tariffs placed on the goods transported along these rivers makes up a substantial amount of the gross domestic product of Solland.   Unique to this region, Solland has a class of landed Khalag nobility. They have fought many a war in the past, which is why many Khalag ended up living in the region in the first place. Often as part of a trade deal, some of the Khalag leaders were offered land or a noble position or both, which has since been handed down. Nowadays there is peace between the two, but the positions and land remain, which leads to animosity at times.  


(See also Middenlanders for general sentiments of the region.)
Like many of the Middenland duchies, culture within Solland is diverse. There is a variety of humans, halflings, gnomes and even some dwarfs and elves. What does set Solland apart from the other duchies in terms of population is the sheer size of the Orc population, due to it bordering the Eastern Steppes. Among these Orcs are many traveling traders, who bring in hides, spices and other exotic products from the Eastern Steppes that are quite popular within Middenland in general.   The rivers crossing through the Vale have led to plenty of arable farmland and thus the Sollanders have rarely had to endure famines or other such hardships ever since the non-aggression pact with the other duchies was signed. This has led to a generally optimistic people who care for their neighbors as there is plenty of food to go around. Honesty, openness and a straightforward no-nonsense attitude are generally promoted. The downside of this culture is that those who step outside of normal conventions or those who very actively try to excel and get ahead in life are often ridiculed behind their back. Bragging, showing off or discussing money are definite no-goes and will be met with someone contentiously swearing that you're not normal under their breath. This emphasis on normalcy does lead to some people becoming outcasts, which is especially common among the more energetic Gnomes.  


Solland has one of the smallest military forces out of all the Duchies of Middenland due to its relatively secure location in the center east. The hilly terrain naturally forms easily defensible locations at peaks or passes. Moreover the other Duchies haven't posed a threat for over a century, and the Eastern Steppes it borders has traditionally been a land of nomads, rather than a unified empire. Its military is still focused towards this border however to ward off potential raiders.  

Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Solland is a light green hill set against a bright blue background with a warm red sun rising from behind the hill.

After every fall, comes a rise.

Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
The Vale
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ethnicities

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