Cilie Vehlow is a retired politician in Aussel who led her country through the Sarzin Conflict as chancellor and temporary dictator
Elbel Vehlow-Boerk is an Ausselian general and the son of Cilie Vehlow, former chancellor and temporary dictator of Aussel
Eltmar Tiller is the ambitious Margrave of the Kláv and a powerful vassal of King Harál of Enliten.
Elwen Tiller is the Commander of the Western Garrison of Enliten and the firstborn son of Margrave Eltmar of the Kláv and the heir to his domain.
Karl Herwik was a lord from Hârdilinen who fled his homeland along with his followers and led them to a new land where he founded the Kingdom of Enliten and reigned as its king.
Marie Vehlow-Boerk was the second child of the former chancellor and temporary dictator of Ausse, who died of an unknown ailment less than a year after her birth.
Frederikke Hīcpeta Geirwichen is a disowned noblewoman who was born with hyperreactive vitatie sensitivity syndrome and is forced to keep her powers as a vitality mage hidden from the world.