St. Raiza Medical Center Building / Landmark in Leriande - The Forgotten Goddess | World Anvil
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St. Raiza Medical Center

The St Raiza Medical Center was started by Guild leader Archangel Aurelia as a way to treat both Guild members and civilians alike. Unless you are a member of the Boros Legion, they charge hefty fees for their services. Current and former members of the Boros Legion receive free medical care. Anyone unable to pay the fee in gold it's given an offer to conscript with the boros Legion for a number of years. After which all medical fees for them and their immediate family are considered waived so long as they seek treatment at boros Legion medical areas specifically. This has in actuality has become one of the main ways the legion have been able to gain recruits.
  Due to St. Raiza being a facility that is outside the Boros Legion regular purview they had to open up the new sub departments now known as the theater of medicine to handle all facilities such as Saint Raiza and others like it. The Boros legion works mostly with the guild to produce the necessary large amounts of herbs and potions that they need for treatment of all patients. Something that the Boris League Legion resents and is currently working towards ways to continue their work without them. Including having Gardens and greenhouses built on their property and hiring gardeners and Alchemists in increasing numbers who produced new supplies while also hunting for doctors willing to both treat patients and train the future Generations. While they do have Order Clerics stationed at the chapel inside of the hospital only one or two can do any true high-level Magic which tends to result in a higher fee to be paid in either gold or in service. It has become something of a Rite of Passage for all Order Clerics with the Boros Legion to spend at least a few years at St. Raiza before being transferred to one of the other sub-departments although there are a few who actually request to stay on assignment there.


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