Leomund Hiridim Character in Leonna | World Anvil
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Leomund Hiridim

One of the great sages. Leomund Hiridim (a.k.a. Leo)

Leomund is a wizard of the high council in Fyrus. He is one of founders of magic and he has made his own spells some of them he has called after his own name and others he has given them names that just resemble the ability of the spell. He has been working on magic for a long time though most of his time is spend within a magical space that he has created himself that allows his aging to slow down while he himself can still work as normal.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is very fragile most of the time, however when he is excited he almost seems like a different person.

Body Features

Some of his skin is a full black skin colour however he usually has those covered by his cloak or robes.

Facial Features

When he smiles you can see the incaves in his skin and his eyebrows have burned off many years ago.

Physical quirks

Walks with a stick the entire time and he left lower legg is amputated.

Special abilities

This is a very high lvl caster that the players should not mess with. Otherwise the consequences would be dire.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually in the more marine blue colours and wearing a stereotypical wizard hat

Specialized Equipment

He always carries at least two of his wizard books with him at all times and his staff is engraved with an orb at the top and multiple smaller ones at the side that floot around it
676 39458 38782 years old
Circumstances of Birth
He was born
Rinkly dark brown eyes
He has a bold cap with long grey hair to the back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pretty pale skin with some pigment on the places that aren't cover by his robe
He is 1.50 m tall
He is about 50 kg
Character Prototype
Think of older man in disney movies that hasn't been weakened by his age.

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