Feena Rhoswen Character in Lementia (Old) | World Anvil

Feena Rhoswen

Feena Rhoswen was only a young girl who was kidnapped from her family by a zealous young necromancer. The studious Necromancer intended to study the Marrelum physiology to its utmost limit—subjecting young Feena to unspeakable sexual, physical and psychological tortures.   The young Necromancer overestimated the psychological abuse that a person could take... and was disappointed as Feena was on her last limb. In a desperate bid to further his experiments, he attempted his first vampiric experiment, cursing Feena to undeath.   However, the Necromancers inexperience proved to be a fatal flaw in his plan. The awakened Feena simply broke her restraints and walked away into the night.   With only fuzzy memories and nightmares to haunt her...a new Feena began her wanders to survive.

Personality Characteristics


Feena is extremely manipulative and haughty. She has a "its them or me" mentality and will prioritize her own life before nearly anything. She sees herself simply as a predator and those whom she consumes to be prey. In order to come to terms with her curse, she has developed a code to only consume "bad" people, clinging to a distorted view of justice.   While she does see herself as better than others... she longs for friendship as her entire undeath has been spent wandering and staying away from people due to her inner fears of dying. Those who wish to befriend her might find it hard to break through her shell—but those who do will be rewarded with a trustworthy confidant.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Feasting, Luxury, Cute-Things, Parental Figures.   Dislikes: Child-abuse, Necromancy, Dirtiness

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal, Understanding

Vices & Personality flaws

Over-confident, Haughty, Self-Justifying


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