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Shadiya's Peak

Shadiya's Peak is a volcano located on the  Isle of Serenity that is said to be home to the island spirit Shadiya.  

Fire on the Mountain

Physical Nature

Shadiya's Peak is a shield volcano that occupies the northeast side of the Isle of Serenity. The surface is riddled with fumaroles and it can be dangerous to traverse, especially with the presence of poisonous gas being released from vents.  


While Shadiya's Peak shows signs of activity in the form of gas escaping through vents and occasional lahars, there hasn't been a true eruption in over 300 years. Well trained petrageans monitor the island for evidence of energy shifts that would indicate an eruption is about to occur and are responsible for initiating an evacuation in that situation.  



Shadiya was an aggregant twice gifted with Power of Melody, born to the tribe that occupied the Isle of Serenity. The Great Peak had been dormant for generations, leading to the tribe no longer following the traditions regarding checking the volcano for potential eruption. Shadiya felt something within the earth that made her uneasy and so she went to see the volcano herself. To her horror, it was poised to erupt before she could hope to return to her village, so she stood at the mouth of the volcano and sang at the top of her lungs. Her voice miraculously carried across the island, filling the entire village with a feeling of panic and dread. The tribe was able to escape disaster, but Shadiya herself was claimed by the volcano. Instead of her spirit being released to the air, her selfless act tied her spirit to the island and the volcano.   The Great Peak was renamed Shadiya's Peak, and the story of her bravery spread through the Purple Foot Islands. Eventually, once the lava that had swallowed the village cooled, the tribe returned to the island. Shadiya's presence can be felt whenever music is played in the village to this day.  


Tribes of neighboring islands regarded Shadiya's Peak as a site of prophecy, a place where Shadiya would grant the answer to a person's most burning life question if she decided they were worthy of the answer. It is said that when lowest steam vents are active, that Shadiya is present at the volcano, but only when the vents whistle will she welcome company as she sings to herself when in a pleasant mood. To go to the volcano when she isn't in the mood for company is certain death, as is displeasing her when she is in the mood for company.    Groups would sail to the island and camp for days, perhaps weeks, waiting for the sign that Shadiya would accept their company. Only then would they make their way to the top of the volcano. If Shadiya was pleased, she would grant the answer and allow them to leave the island. If displeased, they would never set foot off the volcano again.
Summercamp 2021 Articles
Generic article | Jul 23, 2021

Cover image: untitled by Cosmic Timetraveler


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