Regifted Syndrome Condition in Leland Peninsula | World Anvil
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Regifted Syndrome

Regifted Syndrome is a disease caused by a viral infection that interferes with a person's enmanity.

The Virus


Once infected, it can take up to a week to display physical symptoms, making it easy to spread without knowing. During the initial infection, it is spread by contact with an infected person's aura. After the initial infection, the virus is spread through contact with infected blood.


The initial symptoms are similar to that of many common, nuisance conditions: general achiness, slight fever, light headedness. Unless the person knows for a fact they've come in contact with the virus, they usually aren't aware they've been infected until the appearance of a purple tinge on the fingers and toes. Shortly after, the person will begin experiencing changes in their enmanity, whether impairment or enhancement of their abilities or the development of a completely new ability in addition to or replacing their natural ability. The initial symptoms become more severe over the course of the virus. In rare cases, it can even lead to death.

Treatment + Recovery

There is, as of yet, no known cure for Regifted Syndrome. People who are infected are put in quarantine, as is anyone who many have had contact with them, and those that need further medical treatment are treated by those who have already gone through the virus. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for the virus to run its course once physical symptoms appear.

Lasting Effects

Once the symptoms of the initial infection subside, the virus will remain in the person's system and can potentially cause problems for the rest of their life. Any changes to their enmanity will usually subside, but may reappear throughout the course of their life. It is also possible that the changes will be permanent. These include impairments and enhancements as well as the potential for a new ability. If the new ability is permanent and does not replace their natural ability, the person is legally considered to be twice gifted.


Everyone is susceptible to the virus with the exception of true nulls who do not show any symptoms but may act as carriers.

Societal Impact

Seeking out Infection

While most enmanates will avoid the virus at all costs, those who are exceptionally weak in their enmanity will travel to areas where there are breakouts with the intention of being infected. This is something nulls will do as well. Whether due to family or societal pressure or an inferiority complex, some are willing to risk the lasting effects of the virus for the chance they may attain an enmanity. The practice is widely frowned upon, and those that seek out the virus are often ostracized by family and friends even after they have waited out the infection period and are no longer contagious.  

Epidemic of 553

An attempted overthrow of the crown was the cause of an epidemic in 553. Those who plotted the overthrow purposely contracted the virus and hid the telltale symptoms by wearing gloves. Their intent was for the infection to spread through the upper class all the way to the queen and the rest of the royal line. If the royal line no longer possessed Power of Persuasion, they would have no claim to the throne and the queendom would fall. Some travelled to Harmonil to infect the capital city while others travelled to other parts of the queendom to infect the queen's officers and standing armies.
  The virus ended up spreading like wildfire through Leland, infecting hundreds of thousands of innocents and, to the dismay of the rebels, sparing the royal family who was cut off from the world during the entirety of the epidemic. Many died, but the worst outcome was the generation that would have to grow up and live with lasting effects of the virus. It hindered research and developments in the world of enmanities for over a hundred years and also planted the seeds of paranoia within the royal family that would lead to the tyranny that would be their eventual downfall.

Post-Infection Mental Health

For those who tie their identities to their enmanities, becoming inflicted with the virus can cast a dark shadow over their lives. Depression and suicidal ideation is not uncommon after recovery. It is highly recommended that recovered persons seek out counseling or be admitted for treatment if loved ones believe they are a threat to themselves.

Viral Study

The virus is studied both to find a cure and to see if it would be possible to use aspects of it to safely give nulls enmanities. It has been determined that different strains of the virus affect certain types of enmanates more than others.

Visaurants and Preventing the Spread

Visaurants, or those who are able to see auras, are able to help prevent the spread of the virus because they are able to see symptoms in the aura which appear well before any physical symptoms. Their enmanity does not protect them from the virus, however, so they must also keep their distance.

Thrice Gifted

While there is no recorded instance of someone being naturally thrice gifted, it is possible that someone who is twice gifted could become infected with the virus and develop a third ability. This is an extremely rare scenario and has only occurred a handful of times in recorded history.
Chronic, Acquired
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Generic article | Jul 23, 2021

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