The ruling council of Eldjfall Organization in Leikvöllur | World Anvil
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The ruling council of Eldjfall

This is the council that rules over Eldjfall and it's capital Eldjföll. Including the Head of Council (Edward), there are eight counselors. Alongside those counselors, there are three judges in the city of Eldjföll, two scholars specialized in international relations and discussions, as well as three public professors instructing the children of the capital.


The council, like any town council, is to be elected. However, this council slightly differs as there is a leader: to this day Edward. Other councils do not have leaders. The role of the leader, or head of the council, is to be the public figure of Eldjfall and to be the moderator of the council's discussions, law-making and to moderate debate within the council and with other town councils.
Other members are not under any hierarchy (and technically, the head of council is not superior to the rest of the council either.). They are on equal footing with each others and with city councils, as well as with judges and the judiciary body.

Public Agenda

Their goal is to ensure that citizen are able to live a comfortable, healthy life, access education and artisanal training, that they are protected form wrongdoing such as all types of crime and felony and ensure that Eldjians actively take part into the political and judicial life of the country.


The Head of the Council is granted a silver headband signifying their position, mainly to inform foreign negotiators and public of their status.


The idea for such a government was written down by Edward and some friends: namely Ottoma Bhenna (current member of the council) and the late Iurva Shaana, who was a key part of the separatist movement that led to the creation of Eldjfall. She was part of the creation of this government system, assessing how exactly it could benefit the population and how could it be prevented from growing back into a monarchy, what they moved away from in the first place.
Founding Date
In the year 1435 EL , 15 of Pride
Government, Leadership
Alternative Names
The Eldjian Council, The capital council
Council members
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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