Bright Dragon Species in Leikvöllur | World Anvil
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Bright Dragon

Basic Information


  • In draconic form, the main difference with it's cousin is the wing articulation. It is singular for starters, and is located down across the first quarter of the scapula (shoulder blades) of the drake. It creates a thinner wing that is more adapted to the environement.
  • An important par of a Dragon's digestive system, and what gives them the ability to survive sometimes weeks without food or water is their second stomach. The more evolved the specie, the smaller it is. Bright dragons have the smallest size in comparison. It is around 12% of the digestive tube's total contenance, and 9% of it's total mass. This second stomach could be considered a "pouch" because it does not release any gastric acid. Usually used to let food mature in so that it will reach a certain amount of bacteria, and will them be more easely digestible by the drake, it can be closed off (half on demand and half on reflex) when the dragon is overeating out of stress, not to stop them from ingesting too much food, but to stock the food that has been ingested and free space in the first stomach. The food will then be released into the first stomach on command. CLosing it off completely permits a slower maturation of the aliments, and a better nutritional value at the end, meaning the dragon will not have to release as much food as usual, and not waist any nutriments. This is a survival thecnique that can help a drake live throught famines and such. An adult BD can live up to 10-12 days without food thanks to this.
  • The intricate muscle structure of the wings and the Otherworld Ligament is also what puts the wings of the BD apart, more than the articulation itself. A scheme is necessary to fully get the complexity of it all, but to know that it is very specific, and the muscles are mainly a mix of red and striped muscles, allowing more movement.

Ecology and Habitats

The BD live in the Grand Vern Valley in Drekaland. It is huge, and from it's North to the mouth of the Ocean, there are at least two different climates parcouring it: Oceanic and Continental. This creates an environement very diverse, from small inland forests to strong coast pines, barren landfields and luxurious hills of various sizes, it provides a lot of cover from weather, a lot of food source and the Dragons profit from a very stunning view all year round.   The Bright Dragons are highly adaptative, but they need a simillar environemental diversity. It is believed to be part of their well being and overall health, however it is unsure yet how it affect the phyhsical aspect (the mental aspect is pretty self-explanatory).

Dietary Needs and Habits

BD have learn to conserve food, and can eat cooked food. They know to use salt to conserve meat and fish, and they can roast both thoses things. While they do not cultivate, their nomadic lifestyle allows local plants to grow back after a harvest.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Drakes who have been taught Vrain are highly respected as knowledgeble members of the herds. The older folks are usually in charge of therules, while the strongest are charged with feeding and protecting.

Facial characteristics

Horns and markings are transfered from the Draconic form to the humand form.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Grand Vern Valley in Drekaland.

Average Intelligence

Correct, capable of language and usage of basic tools, on the path of becoming more and more closer to a human type of intelligence.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are very due to change overtime. They are mostly a representation of the energy/feelings that an individual radiates. Ths translates into sounds that are twisted and put back together top form a name that not only suits the drake, but also pleases them.

Average Technological Level

Use of a complexe language, learning capacities and usage of basic tools.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

There is no name for what humans refer to as "Draconic". Is is a language that uses mainly the Dragons capacity to feel energi fields and emotions as souds and visual sensations.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They have only made contact with humans so far, and to fiew to create actual relations for now.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draco Clara
120 years
Average Height
Draconic form: 3.5 - 5 meters at the withers.   Human/Hybrid form: 1.75 - 2.00 meters.
Average Weight
Draconic: 800 - 1000kg   Human/Hybrid: 80 - 100kg
Average Length
4 - 7 meters from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail (extended).
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually a draconic form BD will have a light base color ranging from white to dark beiges and light browns, with unique markings ranging from pale pinks to crimson reds, and passing by light yellows to bright oranges. Sometimes you can find pinkish bases with blues/greens/greys/cold colored markings: this is a type of depigmentation/albino.
Related Ethnicities

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