Modirfell Organization in Legends of Grimfrost | World Anvil
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(Inspired by old old the viking ages, Norse mythology and Steampunk)


This is the land of big mountain ranges, a vast forest, hills and dwarfs.


Unique characteristics

  • It is controlled by a secret society pulling the strings.

The people

  • Patriotic; They love their nation, and will die to protect it.
  • Very well off; They enjoy the finer things in life.

Social structure

  • People do not care about what you look like or who you are. They care about what you can do, and what line of work you are in. In many cases the general worker is more respected, than noblemen or politicians. If you make good quality things with your hands, or serve a lot of people directly, you are sure to have a lot of status.


Each race lives in peace with all other races, but stick to their own.  

Social outcasts

Arcane magic users. If you are seen using magic, be sure to be reported to law enforcement or the Knights of the Black Cross.  

Notable laws

  1. Animal fighting is banned.


Family conglomeratism. A few key families control production and distribution across multiple industries.  


  • A specific religion is encouraged, but not required. All other religions are banned.
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
The Hills of the Mother, Moderens Bakker, Modirfjall
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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