Jotun Species in Legends of Grimfrost | World Anvil
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Also known as "Jætte" in the old Norsemen language. These relatively small giants live and thrive in the cold north of Midgard, they usually reside in the mountains, or the tundras. They live in villages, in smaller clans, or inside mountain caves, and usually not more than a handful together. They can be quite individualistic, treacherous, deceptive and they lack a sense of empathy for other races or even other clans.   They are tough, brutal and clever, as Jotun are all about "Survival of the fittest".

Basic Information


They basically resemble a large goliath, or a small frost giant. They are usually quite muscular, thick bone structure and large limbs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Jotun grow up rather fast, as they need to be able to live in a tough environment from the day they are born. They are considered infants between the age of 0-1, kids between 1-9, and teenagers between 10-14. Here is when they are expected to be able to take care of themselves. They reach adulthood at around the age of 14-17. Jotun usually don't live well into their 50's, as they are either killed or die of natural causes, before reaching old age.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Jotun rely heavily on hunting wild animals. They cook, dry, cure and salt their meat, to make the food last longer. They are also adept at stealing from caravans, or small settlements, looting and pillaging to support their needs.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
40 years
Average Height
3 - 3.3 meters (10 - 11 feet)

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