Legends of eternity: war of the eternals Cult Resurgence in Fafnia
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Cult Resurgence in Fafnia

Criminal Activity


Draconin have always been one of the strongest races in all of Eternity. When the draconin start fighting each other, the violence is more volitile than anything else. When the cult rises with vengence once more in the first draconic nation, the conflict will be like no other.

Fafnia was always extremely strict about their laws, and how they are enforced. They thought they had control over the cult activity. There was next to no evedence to ever assume that they were still around. Any mension of the cult was met with force. The Fafnian Phalanx had received much praise after the Years of Chaos. Over time, the cult, and the very mension thereof lost its relevence. They faded into obscurity, until Fafnia was called to aid Midor in their cult problem.   While this proved that the cult was still very real, and a potential threat, little was done to further investigate the possibility that they could be growing in Fafnia again. That, was a mistake. They returned with explosive force, literally. Dark green blasts of evil magic filled the view. The pillar warriors were deployed. They were quickly overrun, and forced to retreat. Fafnia's king made a journey to personally ask the Doh'garus council for assistance. Even from Doh'garus' capitol, Akkara, one could see flashes of green over the horizon. The Siegebreakers were still recovering from their losses from when they drove the cult out of Mt. Belon. They were unable to assist in this way, but the Doh'garus archers had suffered vastly fewer losses in that entire war.   The Archers entered Fafnia wit their bows already drawn, and immediately, they would pierce rows, and rows of cultists. Even they were not enough to keep the Children of the Eternals at bay. Eventually, the cult made it's way to Fafnia's capitol, Sairoya. There, the Fafnian Phalanx did what they do best. They stopped the cultist advance entirely. The war came to a stalemate until Fafnia's Pillar Warriors, now led by a draconin man named Telthak Rastrin, returned to battle, First, Second, and Third pillars all smashed into the cultist line. Gold, and green magic light clashed. Divine, and infernal power made a fire only seen in the Years of Chaos.   This stand gave Fafnia the edge they needed. They pushed the cult back. The fires dimmed, and the surviving prisoners of the cult were freed. But, like many times before, the cult still lurked in the shadows, waiting for the next time to strike, feeding off the dark power that the Eternals cursed them with. They will return, and at this point, the world finally knew, the cult could not be undone. They must simply be ready for when it returns each time.

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