Templars of Deos Rank/Title in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Templars of Deos

Deos created all things. First it was the Eternals, next the Old World, then the mortals that lived on the Old World. When was starting to collapse, he instructed his dragons to create the rift between worlds, and now he guides the people of the new worlds through his templars. He commands Horoth, Arotha, and Michael as they watch over, and command their templars.   Deos grants power absolute. Those who work in his name wield power of both war, and protection, to the same effect as Horoth and Arotha combined. One can channel his wrath to create righteous destruction, and can channel his mercy to create barriers impenetrable by non-magical means. In exchange for such awesome power, Deos demands near perfection. One does not have to be completely sinless, but must be by all means a righteous man. If one were to faulter in their devotion too much, their power will be stripped. Deos understands that one cannot be righteous on their own, and maintains regular contact with his disciples, guiding them.   Templars of Deos are the second rarest in all of Eternity, simply because of such a high standard that one is held at. Only slightly more common than the templars of Michael. Templars of both the draconic religion, and the common religion swear Deos' oath, and wield his power. More often than others, draconin templars of this oath will become ascendant. Any non-draconin who meet the same power will sprout massive feathered wings, and will be adorned with a golden, spiked halo of pure golden light. Templars who achieve this status are referred to as Angels. It is extremely rare, with only a select few instances throughout all of Eternity's thousand-year history.


A Templar of Deos must have considerable military experience, and must be in the top tier of swordsmanship.


While there is no written, or unwritten requirement as far as age, there is however, a requirement of at least ten years of military experience.


The ritual for becoming a templar in Deos' name requires not a temple, shrine, or priests like the other rituals surrounding becoming a templar in Horoth, Arotha, or Michael's names. One must seal themselves off from the world, and spend a month alone with Deos. Each day, they must swear the same oath, and explain their reasoning. Like the other templar oaths, one must have a task that must be completed that is bigger than themselves.   This month is spent forging a bond between the templar, and Deos himself, so Deos may directly contact this new templar. Before that link is established, Deos must determine if one is worthy of wielding such awesome power. Deos demands near-perfection in exchange for this awesome power. One must be just in their motives, merciful while others are at their mercy, humble in their new power, and must hold the greater good above their own. If they match all these qualities, Deos will grant them their power absolute. The templar themself shines brighter than the sun, and radiates a golden flame. The flame stays with them for the next several days. The light can be seen all across Eternity, and makes it known that there is a new templar in Deos' name.


Templars of Deos are at their core, leaders. In the draconic nations, they are the templars that lead the templars. Viewed by disciples of Horoth, or Arotha, the same way that normal people view them. In nations where there are no draconic templars, they are at equal level to the king, or queen's advisors. Along with the task that brought them to Deos, their overarching task is to lead the people of Eternity through the instruction given to them by Deos.


Templars of Deos gain great financial compensation from the royal court of the nation they serve. Housing, and food no longer become a concern to these templars. They gain great political, and religious influence, equal to that of a royal advisor, or priest.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If a templar is to ignore the guidance offered by Deos through their unique connection, and breaks their oath, their power is instantly stripped, and are shunned by both the common religion, and the draconic church.


The templars of Deos have always been symbols of the immense power that Deos possesses. In certain nations, such as Brimbaria, they are held to equal regard, if not higher than their own royal family. If any one templar's influence began to rival that of the nation's king, they will often do away with that templar. Never once have these templars rose to combat this, as they fear that turning against their own king would threaten the common good, which they swore to maintain. Templars of Deos simply have to tread lightly as to not appear as a threat in this way.   On the field, these templars are seldom used, as they are powerful, but few. To lose a single templar of Deos is to lose an entire army's worth of militaristic strength. They often fill the role of generals, leading armies with Deos' blessing. Never have two templars of Deos clashed. Many believe that they both would lose their power before their swords had connected. Reason being, they both work in Deos' name, and they both are attacking someone who is doing the same, thus threatening the common good they promised to protect.

Cultural Significance

Throughout every religion, they are beacons of pure divine power absolute. They are the only templars shared by the draconic, and common religions, and have repeatedly been used to protect people from the Children of the Eternals cult.
Equates to
The authority of a single templar of Deos is equal to that of a king's advisor.
Source of Authority
Deos himself authorizes all action taken by these templars.


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