Riftentide Tradition / Ritual in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Riftentide (Rift-en-tide)

The greatest winter event, celebrated across all Eternity. Remembering the opening of the rift between worlds, and Deos' beautiful display the night after. Every year, on the twentieth day of the eleventh, and final month, Tyeth. On that night, every year, the arcane magic strands that fill the sky come to life. This happened the night after the rift between worlds, and has happened the same night every year since the exodus between worlds.   On that night, the people of every race, and nation celebrate. Every city, town, and village has their own festival. For most races it is a night of great triumph, and nothing else. For the draconin, this night is much more melancholy. As well as marking the day of their salvation, and the day Horoth saved all, it also marked the day it became impossible for the dragons to permeate this new world the same way they did on the Old World. It marks the day Arotha died with Horoth.


The first Riftentide was the night immediately after the mass exodus between worlds. That night, the sky was lit as bright as day as the magic of the new world seemed to greet its new inhabitants. Everyone took this as Deos' promise that this new world would live on when the Old World did not. The next year, on the same night, when the lights lit the night, the people came out. They lit bonfires, sang songs, and thanked Deos for the new world. The next year, the lights were anticipated. Festivals were prepared. Sure enough, the lights filled the sky, and the festivals lasted all through the night. The draconin would recreate exodus between worlds in theater. Eventually, people started giving gifts to signify the gift that is this new world. Toward the middle of the first age, in the dwarven nation Midor, stories had been spreading of this magical dwarf who delivers gifts. Notes attached to the gifts said his name was Stodka Frostpine. As stories of his activity spread, his journey spread all across Eternity. He only does this once per year, on the night before Riftentide, and has now become a major part of the holiday. Riftentide has been celebrated in this way for nearly a thousand years.


Each festival is different, and execution depends on the individual village. There are, however, a few things that are present in every festival. There is always a massive bonfire in the center of the festival, signifying the fires first lit on the new world. Families will exchange gifts, signifying Deos' gift of the new world. Draconin take the symbolism further, and use it to symbolize the life that Horoth, and Arotha gave for their salvation. Lastly, the arcane lights that fill the sky. They take many forms, and to all, they symbolize the promise that this new world will live on when the Old World did not.


Everyone who follows the common, and draconic religions attends such festivals. Even some who follow The Delitan Faith will attend, and partake in the festivities.


The festival occurs once every year, on the twentieth day of the eleventh month, Tyeth.


Author's Notes

Huge thanks to the Freeman worldbuilder GuardianDireWolf for giving me inspiration for Riftentide. Make sure to check out the GuardianDireWolf profile.

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Dec 20, 2023 07:37

I really like this

Dec 20, 2023 07:38

I tried to send a thumbs up emoji but it just makes an error

Dec 20, 2023 23:08

That explains five notifications for a single comment.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 21, 2023 04:01

I didnt know it did that. You could really confuse somebody like that

Dec 28, 2023 06:03


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16