Clarin's Final Entries in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Clarin's Final Entries

20th of Tineunar, 350 P.A.   I've just finished a contract to take a man to Midor through Dares Pass. Everyone in the port is saying how a Doom Cage is forming, and that even Dares Pass won't save me. I'd beg to differ. If the strait can take me from Fafnia to Doh'garus without any issue, it should carry me through a storm easily... Right?   21st of Tineunar, 350 P.A.   I'm off, and the storm is quickly brewing. I fear not the wind, nor the rain. My only concern is wether the arcane bolts can harm someone or not. Still, I have a very special someone waiting for me in Fafnia, and thus, I have to get there very soon. Our wedding is in three days.   22nd of Tineunar, 350 P.A.   This was a mistake. The storm winds, and rain are only a part of the issue. The arcane bolts that fill the storm are tearing my ship, and crew apart. Our sails are torn, our helmsman was just disintegrated by the arcane bolts, and a hole has just been ripped in the port side of the ship's lower decks. We're taking on water, and we can't patch the hole fast enough. I pray this is not my final entry, but that seems uli-   The entry was never finished. The recovered notebook was found on Fafnia's southern shores four days. The uprupt ending, and smudging of the ink suggests that another hole was ripped into the hull of the ship, right where her quarters were, and the rising water made it into Clarin's quarters, where she drowned.


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