Varmaul Ethnicity in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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The varmaul communicate primarily through the use of pheromones. They are a tall and muscular species, with some with thick fur covering their bodies to protect them from the cold temperatures of Erlin forests at night. They possess a highly developed olfactory system that allows them to detect and interpret a vast array of pheromones. They communicate by releasing different combinations of pheromones from specialized glands located throughout their bodies. Each combination of pheromones conveys a specific message or emotion, such as fear, aggression, attraction, or submission.   It is because of their inability to form fluent words because of the design of their throats, that the rest of Ferrathar believes they are nothing more than violent beasts. Linish history dates their perpetual war with the supposed savage varmaul for as long as history has recorded their existence in their native land of Erlin. Despite all this, the varmaul can painfully strain their throats to mouth words and communicate with someone should the very rare circumstance prevent itself and one of them, by some miracle, find someone to teach them. As it is not many suspect their intellect to be above a savage beast, least of all the linish.   The ape people live in close-knit communities and are fiercely protective of their families and territories. They are skilled hunters and gatherers, using their powerful sense of smell to track prey and identify ripe fruits and other sources of food. They are also highly intelligent, using their communication skills to coordinate their activities and defend against threats.   Despite their unique communication method, the ape people are not completely devoid of other forms of communication. They can produce a range of vocalizations, such as grunts, growls, and barks, to express basic emotions and alert others to danger. They also use body language and physical gestures to convey more complex ideas.
Varmaul (Humanoid)
Armor Class: 12 Hit Points: 68 Speed: 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
STR18 (+4) DEX14 (+2) CON18 (+4) INT7 (-2) WIS12 (+1) CHA 7 (-2)
Vulnerabilities: Immunities: Resistances: Magic, Condition Immunities:
Challenge: 5 (1,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus: +3 Skills: Athletics +9, Perception +4 Passive Perception 14 Feats: Limited Magic Immunity. The creature can't be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.
Actions: Multiattack. The Varmaul makes two weapon attacks. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (1d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.


Major language groups and dialects

The Varmaul communicate through the release of pheromones, and are detected by other members of the species. Different pheromones convey different types of information, such as the presence of food, the location of a mate, or the identity and status of an individual.   These beings have also evolved complex social behaviors and rituals that revolve around scent. For example, during courtship, males may release pheromones that signal their readiness to mate, and females may release pheromones that indicate their receptivity. During social interactions, individuals may mark their territory with their own unique scent, which helps to establish dominance and deter potential rivals.   Because scent is such an important aspect of communication for this society, they have developed specialized glands and organs to produce and detect pheromones. Their sense of smell is so refined that they can even distinguish between subtle differences in pheromone composition, allowing them to identify individuals and assess their status and mood.

Shared customary codes and values

Cooperation: The varmaul are social creatures and often work together to accomplish tasks such as hunting, grooming, and caring for offspring.   Hierarchy: Varmaul groups have a strict social hierarchy, with dominant individuals having access to resources such as food and mates. This hierarchy is maintained through displays of aggression and submission.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The birth procedure among varmaul is similar to that of mankind, with the mother giving birth to live young and caring for her newborn in the days and weeks after the delivery. However, the relatively high infant mortality rate from infanticide from other members of the group, highlights the challenges that this society faces in raising their offspring in the wild.


Relationship Ideals

Varmaul form strong social bonds with others in their group, and these bonds can influence mate choice. Females may choose to mate with males who have strong social bonds with other members of the group, as this indicates that the male is well-liked and respected within the group. Male varmaul compete for access to females, and physical traits such as strength, size, and dominance can be important factors in partner selection. Females may choose to mate with males who are physically dominant and have a higher chance of passing on their genes to offspring.   Males may use vocalizations and displays to attract females and compete with other males for access to them. These displays can include chest-pounding, and loud vocalizations. Some varmaul form long-term pair bonds, which can influence mate selection. These bonds can form between males and females who have strong social bonds and compatible personalities.


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