Thin Veil, Part 1 Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Thin Veil, Part 1

Played on August 6, 2011     Eleint 2, 1479, Year of the Ageless One (around Highsun)     While in the thorp of Longpine, north of Bear’s Head, Jobek and Fredara were asked by the commander of soldiers from Bear’s Head stationed in Longpine to investigate sightings of possible monsters or creatures lurking near the edge of the Reaching Woods just southwest of the thorp. The Reaching Woods is just within a mile of Longpine.   When Jobek and Fredara reached the forest’s edge, they both spotted a small cave. They also saw what looked like a dead goblin on the forest floor nearby. Drawing weapons out, both of them cautiously approached the body. Suddenly they both heard and spotted a medium-sized cat-like creature emerged from behind a clump of bushes. The creature had brownish fur and a mouth full of sharp fangs. What struck them with fear was when the creature’s skin on its face peeled back to reveal its skull! The creature then rushed the fighters. Meanwhile, another one of the creature emerged from the cave and joined in the battle. Later, a third emerged from the forest, this one slightly larger and its fur was covered in red hyena-like spots.   As the largest of the creatures rushed towards Jobek and Fredara, an arrow shot from above the cave struck the beast’s front paw slowing it down. Looking to where the shot had come from, Jobek saw a half-elf standing above the cave. He was shooting down at the creatures with a longbow, despite the half-elf’s quiver being nearly emptied of arrows.   Together, the three adventurers made short work of the creatures. All three later determined that the beasts were Krenshars, ferocious cat-like creatures often bred and trained as guardian pets by gnolls, goblins, and sometimes humans. The dead goblin-like creature turned out to a spriggan, a creature they determined to be native from the Feywild and not normally found in the Reaching Woods.   The half-elf, who introduced himself as Luthan Graythicket, said that he has seen quite a few Krenshars in the Reaching Woods but not this close to the forest’s edge.   Luthan also said that he was from the village of Arkos, near Elturel in Elturgard. He added that Arkos is now famous since it is where the female paladin-hero of Elturgard, Joanna, was born. Luthan said that since Elturgard had been freed from the evil rule of Samlawr (a Corruption Devil who passed himself off as a priest of Torm and gained control of Elturgard), and had just recently lifted the ban that prevented anyone from entering the Reaching Woods upon penalty of death, he decided to enter the once-forbidden forest. He added that he heard that elves once populated the thick forest but had not been seen since the Spellplague struck the Realms. Being a half-elf he wanted to find any traces of elves, like ruins, left in the forest.   He also warned the group that he had seen tracks of an Owlbear near this part of the forest. Just like Krenshars, Owlbears dont’ usually wander or lair this close to the edge of the forest. All three wondered what could be driving the animals out of the forest. Luthan suggested that perhaps portals to the Feywild, which he’s seen quite a few of as he trekked through the Reaching Woods, may have had something to do with it.   The three decided to head back to Longpine and report what they had discovered.         Adventurers: Fredara, Jobek   NPCs: Luthan (half-elf ranger companion)
Plot type
Parent Plot


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