The Hunt for Grenag and Slaaroc Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

The Hunt for Grenag and Slaaroc

Played on February 4, 2018     17 Ches, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) Neverwinter Wood, The Sword Coast     Eralion’s Amulet, Cory’s spell focus item had been taken by Mortigern’s imp familiar, Talon. It’s assumed Talon flew to Fairview to use the amulet and gain access to Eralion’s tower. The adventurers, however, are bent on finding the two half orcs and make them pay for what they did to the Randark family back at the farm.   The group followed the half orcs’ tracks until the tracks split. One set of tracks led southeast. According to Cory’s map, that way led to Mossdale, a small village a good day’s journey by foot. The other set of tracks led northeast. Cory’s map showed an abandoned dwarven mine several miles that way. The group decided to head to the mine then to Mossdale after.   By day’s end, the group arrived at an abandoned mine at the base of the Starmetal Hills. Inside, they encountered bats that attacked them. After fending off the bats, the group followed a set of bloody tracks Daemar discovered. It clearly belonged to one of the half-orcs. Another set of tracks, made by some 8-legged clawed creature, was trailing the half-orc track.   The group followed the tracks which led across a mine cart track that spanned a 40-foot deep chasm where the mine’s floor gave way. The chasm was some 20-feet across. Jeldar and Belton fell into the chasm as they made their way across. The others helped them out.   The group continued to follow the tracks deeper into the mine.       Adventuring Company   Cory the Sorcerer (human sorcerer)   Jeldar, Servant of Helm (human cleric)   Belton Cutpurse (halfling rogue)   Callen Rockhold (half-orc barbarian)   Daemarr Sirius (elf ranger)
Plot type


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