Strange Bedfellows Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Strange Bedfellows

Played on March 4, 2018     15 Tarsakh, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) Village of Nightstone, The Sword Coast     Grat sensed that Kella wasn’t telling him everything. He wondered if the Zhentarims would be better or worse than goblins, or even giants.   During the next hour, Grat and Kella went door-to-door searching for survivors and goblins alike. The potion of heroism coursed through Grat, and along with his eldritch spell, aided his ability to strike down goblins they came across.   They didn’t find any survivors but did find a few unlucky villagers killed by the many large rocks the giants had dropped upon the unsuspecting village.   A search of the locked cottage belonging to Destiny Agganor, the village’s tiefling midwife, and her adult son, Grin revealed that both were possibly worshippers of Asmodeus as indicated by the golden holy symbol of Asmodeus found in an unlocked wooden chest. Grat told Kella that Destiny and her son never attended worship services at the village temple dedicated to Lathander (god of the dawn) and Mielikki (goddess of forests).   At the destroyed cottage belonging to the Xelbrins, Grat found a tressym, a winged cat, named Rillix. The Xelbrins were an elderly human couple who moved to Nightstone from Waterdeep four years ago at Lady Nandar’s request. Melantha Xelbrin served as the village’s notary and record keeper. Grat and Kella found Melantha and her husband, Lathan, who were both apparently killed when the roof of their cottage collapsed. Grat befriended the hungry tressym, who took to the bugbear immediately.   Only the trading post belonging to the Lionshield Coster was left to investigate.       Dramatis Personae   Grat Ur’Gray (male bugbear Eldritch Knight)   Kella Darkhope (female Chondathan human Zhentarim)
Plot type


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