Enter Stones the Goblin Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Enter Stones the Goblin

24 Marpenoth, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR)   Neverwinter Wood, The Sword Coast       Turnoroth Brimsdall, Wink, and Sarros Basha have cleared out the Old Manse. The group decided to return to Falcon's hunting lodge to tell the hunter about the anchorites of Talos they had encountered and to collect the reward promised by Falcon.       The three adventurers made their way back to Falcon's hunting lodge despite the downpour.   It was nearly midnight when the three left the Old Manse. Brimsdall was hopeful they would reach Falcon's hunting lodge sometime after midnight. He wanted to introduce the druid, Sarros, to Falcon and to let him know about the anchorite of Talos they had encountered in the abandoned house near the edge of Neverwinter Wood.   Along the way, they encountered several orcs and an anchorite of Talos trying to cross a wide ravine. It looked they had traveled from the northeast, the same direction where the circle of stones was according to the map Brimsdall happened upon at the Old Manse.   During the encounter, they also met a goblin who introduced himself as Stones. Stones said he was a bounty hunter from the city of Neverwinter. He was paid to find and bring back dead or alive an elven woman who had killed a high ranking member of the Sons of Alagondar, a local army that serves as Neverwinter's city guards. She had also stolen a pair of boots of speed that belonged to the slain man.   Stones said he had learned that the elf may have owned a home somewhere in the southeastern part of Neverwinter Wood. So he was headed there to try and find her.   Brimsdall said the elven woman Stones was seeking sounded like the same person he was following. He told Stones the house, which might have belonged to the elven woman, had been abandoned for some time. He heard from the centaurs he met some days before that they believe the elf may have headed towards the lumber mill by the Neverwinter River to the north.   Stones offered to split the bounty, 500 gold coins, with Brimsdall if the dragonborn would help Stones. Brimsdall accepted the offer.   The fight with the orcs was fierce but the adventurers, now numbering four, prevailed. The anchorite of Talos managed to escape. All of the orcs were slain.   The four decided to continue on to Falcon's hunting lodge.
Session played on December 30, 2020


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