Oath of the Long Watch Organization in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Oath of the Long Watch

The Oath of the Long Watch is a secret society founded around five hundred years prior to the rise of the Empire of Kataris, following the binding of the Ninth Paragon beyond the Mountains of Na'azh. It was founded by two former members of the Oathcircle, Elia of Tchokayahattak and Amuriel of Vash Edom, and four dragons described as "knights of the Wyrm Council" of the Draconic Imperium - Dendrithekimallion, Hassoreliath, Morkatherit and Zuravatuul, with the explicit purpose of preventing the return of the Paragons of Azoth.   The structure of the organisation and its membership in the modern age are unclear.   According to Dendrithekimallion, the oath sworn by members of the order is as follows:  
I call the Solars and the Paraeons to bear witness, for I pledge myself to the world.

Against Those Beyond the Gates, do I stand.
Against the Bound Ones, do I stand.
Against the Nameless Gods, do I stand.
Against all that would threaten the mortal world, do I stand.
I bind myself to eternal vigilance against all these threats.

With my Oath-Siblings, do I stand.
With the Sentinel Wyrms, do I stand.
With all who seek to defend the mortal world, do I stand.
I bind myself to eternal loyalty to my comrades in arms and to my duty.

By strength of will, do I stand.
By fire and steel, do I stand.
By all the invisible powers of the air, do I stand.
I pledge myself to eternal discipline and mastery over all these things, for they are my sword and my shield.

By the Blood of the Azoth and the dead of Tchokayahattak, this do I swear.
Secret, Brotherhood
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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