S35. Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Report Report in Legacy in Leilon! | World Anvil

S35. Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Report

General Summary

Trekking north to the spot marked on the map takes them most of the rest of the day after waking late. Gorthok's attack on the manse did nothing to help anyone get their rest. And the rain and gathering storm of dark, green-hued clouds did not help wither. They arrive at a hill topped with a stonehenge-like circle of standing stones, and within them tiny figures dance to the chanting of three Anchorites of Talos.   They worked their way up the hill but garnered the attention of the enemy before they reached the top. Lightning bolts flew and little twig blights kept on a full frontal assault. With full frontal, do we have to raise this game's rating? Sorry. Flenz the Anchorite warns that the heroes will fail this day, that Talos will rule surpreme from the Circle of Thunder to the Tower of Storms...He will not be stopped!   But as the blights were a-blight-erated, one of the Anchorites, closed on Keth and dropped that he would kill him personally, and not they way they killed his mother. That she was getting in the way and causing problems, so she had to go, but he has been even worse so would win the ire of the servants of Talos personally. The other two completed the summoning of Gorthok who appeared in a terrible show of lightning strikes all landing at once on the spot.    Flenz made some comment about the death of Grannoc, and how he would not succeed in slaying them, and then landed a significant blow with his "tusk claws" leaving them stuck in his side. But Flenz succumbed to a killing blow and murmured a curse upon Keth as he slumped to the ground, leaving his tusks where they were as his lefless hand slipped out of them.   The party wiped out all of the Anchorites and then finished the dramatic combat with a final showdown with Gorthok, Keth having his moment that night, landing the killing blow there, too, and grounding the lightning into the ground with Talon.   The clouds immediately started to calm, the lightning and thunder fade, and the rain stops.
Legacy in Leilon! Campaign
Helaena DuFarran
wolfaen the red
Eethyl Benzoin
Amarille Trisquinal
Chaotic Good High Elf (Hermit)
Monk 1
12 / 12 HP
Player Journals
Tinker by Eethyl Benzoin
Three Down by Flicker Greenridge
Report Date
25 Aug 2022


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