S17. Where Do We Go From Here? Report Report in Legacy in Leilon! | World Anvil

S17. Where Do We Go From Here? Report

General Summary

Phandalin.   A small, struggling village off the Triboar Trail. But a village with heart. With Moxy. The have been through much, and are currently facing some pretty big threats. There is a white dragon that has moved into the sword mountains, the spires that tower over the village. Orcs have come down out of the mountains and are raiding ranches and farms in the area. Strange and violent storms are plaguing the area as well.   But one threat that no longer looms over Phandalin? The Redcloaks. Mercenaries who were invited into town to help as constabulary, instead tormented it as a crooked gang of thugs, and led by a mysterious wizard named Glasstaff. The thugs vanquished, the wizard fled, the cold crypt and dungeon under the ruins of the hilltop manor, Tresendar, grow chiller still.   But for now, one thing is for certain, the new heroes of Phandalin have warmed the hearts of many of the townspeople for ridding their town of its heinous oppressors!   As Faerun darkens more toward Deepwinter, just two months away, the air grows colder, the grasses and trees browner. There have already been a few unseasonably early snowfalls reported.   It is the 30th day of Marpenoth 1492, the year of Three Ships Sailing. An especially cold breeze blows down from the Swords, across the foothills and rolling meadows to Phandalin, cutting through trees to reach a cave opening at the base of the hill on the east side of town, whipping back and forth through the tunnel, and reaching the cavern within, where it seems to practically blow new holes into the britches of a gold-skinned tiefling that surveys the roughshod party of adventurers he has found himself wrapped up with. Is this really the light in the darkness that Selune had in mind?   Only time will tell.   Keth found a reply to his message on the stone:  
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Adabra and Dendrars need help. Find Cragmaw Castle. I'll Miss You All. Tell Wolf I’m thinking of him.”
  He quickly sent back:  
Raiya! Are you okay? Are you sure you don't need help? We can help you! Also... what happened to Pumba when he cast in Gnomengard?
  Treasure was distributed. Flicker got the bag, Keth got the word Talon, and Eethyl got the Steel Ball.   The party heads into the main town. The Coster and the Miner's Exchange. Halia is making a golden acorn for Flicker. Also a brass brazier is in the works for Wolfaen. She had an interesting interaction with them, and even invited them to consider joining the Zhentarim (also called The Black Network). She finds out from them that Keth is headed to talk to Harbin about the Redcloak's demise. Halia intercepts Keth before he makes it to Harbin's. He agrees to not talk to him about it for now. She wants to bring in some deputies that can answer to the party to help protect the town and keep the peace. She also disclosed that she has made no secret of trying to win the Townmaster's Election but she feels Harbin bought votes. Keth declared that Phandalin is under his protection now, but that he would hold off for the time being. He checked in with Flicker on this news later.   Toblen is trying out more ideas... a sparring pit of some kind, or maybe a table with a ball people can paddle back and forth, or maybe instead of a ball, it's a disk you knock back and forth across the table., and Flicker called it "Table Knockers" -- this had some appeal, but then Toblen was worried what his wife would think.   Toblen then introduced Flicker to a special Tea blend he called "Duke Grey Tea, a special blend by Stonehill." He then gifted her with a teaba--err, pouch of tea.    Keth is cracking under the pressure of leadership at one point that day.   Fortune was dubbed Tiefling Wrangler.   Eethyl was found napping in the woods after having been up all night doing Eetrhyl-y things.   Wilmanric's World of Wiley Wonders! "That's a lot of W's for someone without a win..." said Fortune.   It was rumored that Keth said, "Flicker has Druid magic...that's like dork stuff..." He was impressed by Wilmanric, who seemed to know Eethyl and vice versa.   The party then headed south to find Axeholm and clear it out to prepare it for a safehaven for the town if they end up needing it.

Character(s) interacted with

Linene Graywind at Lionshield's;   Halia Thronton at Miner's Exchange;   Toblen Stonehill    Wilmaric The Wizard
Legacy in Leilon! Campaign
wolfaen the red
Eethyl Benzoin
Player Journals
A nightmare in daydream's clothin'. by Fortune
One Long Series of Awkward Conversations by Keth Ravenwood
He gave up more than he knew? by Eethyl Benzoin
Second Thoughts by Flicker Greenridge
Report Date
25 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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