Rhejenta Geographic Location in Legacy 1 | World Anvil


Dominion World Sanctioned as Feral Garden (Preserve) World Peoples: Kastavi (Human) and Enduran (Human) Population: >6 million people Capital: Astrinorda   Suchura is a lush and beautiful world filled with many varied plants and wildlife. It is traditionally known as Danga Kentari by the ancient Aram Mandoran people. Roughly translated as the Garden of Beasts. Most of the population lives within villages or large towns. There are only a handful of large cities though they are not industrial. The planet has one major star port. The rest of the world is connected through a massive hypersonic train network.   Technology is heavily regulated upon the planets surface. Anything that could cause widespread destruction is prohibited and enforced by the Dominion Security Forces. The technology level is pre-industrial age save for the various technology that have been provided by the Dominion or were already pre-existing such as the warpgate.   The Kastavi and Enduran peoples were bitter rivals long before the arrival of the Aram Mandoran Empire. This was only exacerbated when the Kastavi turned against their shaky alliance with the Enduran people to join the Aram Mandoran in conquering the planet.


Near continent size forests cover most of the planet. Other habitats include swamps and wetlands as well as prairie areas. Its two poles are ridged by mountains and tundras that have gone mostly unexplored. Several oceans that split

Fauna & Flora

Dalna Adett is rich with many valuable plants and herbs. Among them are highly potent adaptogenic herbs. The Dominion has invested several major orbital growing platforms to allow for the mass production of these plants. They also have a wide range of edible vegetables and fruits. One of the most prized fruits is a sparse-apple. Given its name because the tree can only grow under extreme conditions and has been hard to grow artificially or agriculturally. It is believe that this apple has the ability to help the body heal as well as provide a person with enhanced strength and stamina.   The most notable of all the animals is the Drakken. With such a rich ecology the Drakken have flourished and have several unique species that have not been seen on any other world as of yet. Another animal is the Greater Volse Wolf. This wolf is often known for burrowing underground and having hair that can stand straight up. The length of these hairs can be nearly half the height of the creature. Within the wetlands is a large crocodile like creature known as the Kiroxanile. The world has a plethora of herbivore life, yet most of these have adapted to become extremely deadly. There are many large species of elk-like creatures as well as the domesticated Anthrumors.

Natural Resources

Most of the people on the planet live through foraging or via farms. In the past


  • Rhejenta
Alternative Name(s)
Dagna Kentari, Port Bravin

Cover image: by Cw Tolle II


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