Hunter's Guild Organization in Legacy 1 | World Anvil

Hunter's Guild

"For the a modest fee we'll find, capture, assassinate, torture, maim, bludgeon anyone. Unless they're a friend of ours. That costs extra. For the right price we'll even do it in song." "No! No we won't. He does not speak for the rest of us."
  [The Monastic Martial Orders

The Hunter's Guild is an ancient institute that started out as martial orders. Each order was led by a grandmaster who trained his followers in his own particular martial art and philosophy. These warrior monks would hold grand competitions to show their prowess among the fractured Mesjran societies. During the Horizon War they started to gain popularity as they were credited with many victories as well as turning the tide in a number of key battles. During Magelord Ato's rise to power they were already being used as specialized units within the military. This was the first time that the various orders were united. In the centuries following the Magelord's disappearance they were once again pitted against each other by those who vied for power. During a particular bloody coup they were nearly wiped out. In one day three Orders were wiped out. Fortunately their teachings were later recovered and their orders reestablished. After that the orders held council in what would become known as the Hunter's pact. They turned their attention from fighting the wars of politicians to protecting the people. They bound each of them to the Hunter's Mantra so that they would have honor once more.   Creation of the Guild and the rise of the Syndicates

When the formation of the guilds occurred the ancient orders stepped forward and created the Hunter's Guild in honor of their ancient pact. They served as bounty hunters at first. Over time their different forms of martial prowess led to the creation of different orders within the Guild. These Orders became specialists in many different fields. From assassins to investigators, to kidnapper and rescuers of those who were kidnapped. They gain prestige and power like they had never known before. Eventually outsiders were wanting to join to be apart of such a prospering organization. When they were rejected they united to form the Syndicates. The Syndicates competed with the Hunter's Guild, using advanced technologies and arcana to achieve success. There arose a group of renegade mages who called themselves of the Malevolence had caused major damage across the sector and even took hold of the planet. When the military and syndicate forces couldn't break through their fortifications the ruling family turned towards the Hunter's Guild. Until then the two organizations struggled in a silent war. This was the Hunter's Guild's chance to prove that they were better than the Syndicates once and for all. Instead the wise Guildmaster Vyxnu Ki invited the Syndicates to join forces. Together they were able to overcome the Malevolent forces and restore the world back to the ruling family.
  Present age/b]
Since then the two groups have been united under the banner of the Hunter's Guild. The Hunter's Guild has thrived and expanded throughout Coalition Space. Having major bases of operation in all major sectors of the various civilizations. It is recognized as a neutral faction within the Coalition and is sometimes called upon to act as a peace keeping force. They are used by governments, corporations and common people alike. The grandmaster of the Shigiru Templars Order, are responsible for training the Chevalier within Rorance in their specialized martial style.
Welcome potential patron,
Know that any job you offer is always confidential according to our internal regulations.
Would you like to know more?
Confirmed. To offer a job you must either have a standing account. Since you are conversing with me I can accurately assess that you do not have an account. You will need to put the full bounty within one of our trusted holding accounts. Be sure to post an expiration date if you want to have your money refunded if the job can't be completed.
Would you like to know more about terming a bounty contract?
Excellent. It is important that you clearly word your bounty correctly. Our specialized algorithms will help you establish a fair price that is likely to attract a Hunter whose skill level matches your job. Ensure that the person or object you are after is specified. Please provide all titles, names, aliases, modeling numbers, descriptions, or blueprints whenever possible. Please provide a time and place whenever applicable. Do not use local time. Only Unified standard. Designate any location as follows: Region, Sector, Solar System, Planet, City when applicable. Fill out the objective carefully. If you do not want the person or object damaged please clearly specify, otherwise leave it blank. Please ensure you reread several times. The Hunter's Guild will only honor the contract verbatim. We are not responsible if your target is otherwise hurt. If the bounty is fulfilled but the contract was not honored by the hunter you will be given an Arbiter that will work to fairly resolve any disputes you may have.
Please fill out the form below. Once finished it will be posted on our job boards.

Order of Tears (specializes in finding serial killers.) Shigiru Templars Order (A.K.A. Order of the Dragon Templars. Warriors skilled in arcane fighting styles.) The Autumn Order (Deals with rescues. Especially hostage and kidnapping situations.) Irraven Syndicate (Mercenary corps) Syndicate Tobar (named after their founder. They specialize in robotics and hacking.) Order of Enjara (Warriors specialized in assassinations. Especially through psychological warfare). Valdajre Shieldmaidens (All female hunter corp. They are highly skilled in security escort, protection, anti-assasination tactics, counter-terrorism tactics, and bounty hunting.) Ogogadog Syndicate (Bounty Hunters) Istacar Order (Specializing in espionage) Order of Noth (Order specializing in religious arcanas.) Syndicates of Rook (Hunters that specialize in corporate security and security systems) Order of the Eternal (warriors trained in the art of defense. They specialize in body guarding and security escort.) Sharkogan Order (A.K.A Black Depths Order. They are trained to be able to battle on both land and water. They are legend for their assassination of the Broken Tusk Mage.) Iron Legion (Syndicate that specializes in using power armor and constructs.) Oak Circle Order (Bounty Hunters specializing in plants and herbs.) Avasti Syndicate (Kastavi (Dominion interior) Monster Hunters)   WIP
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary

Cover image: by Cw Tolle II


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