The Teeth Geographic Location in Lavera | World Anvil
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The Teeth

Description: The Teeth are an south-east Island group where mainly gnomes och goblin live. The Islands where the gnomes live are covered with mountains while the few Islands that are only hilly are inhabited by human tribes, gnolls and hobgoblin. History: Long ago only goblins inhabited the teeth but with time human sailors settled there. Most of the goblin tribes was peaceful living mainly of berries and other plants they found on the islands.If they had luck they occasionally trapped a rabbit or bird to eat. That was until the humans came and created towns where the goblin lived and began to plant crops on many of the big plains where the goblins found there food. As a part of the human settling they also burnt the goblin homes. The goblins retaliated at this foul act of human greed and began to raid towns and kill lone wanderers and scouts on the islands. On some islands most goblins were killed while on others the humans retreated as they didnt think the resources of that island was worth it. With time the raids killed off most of the weak population of the teeth, booth humans and goblins, which led to both races of the teeth becoming stronger in body while the years past. The humans took inspiration of the goblins and began to build smaller encampments instead of time and their culture slowly began changing. With their cultures being closer their war began fade until they even on some islands started to trade with each other. Some even say that their was children with mixed blood but as such a child would have been hid away no one really knows if it is true.

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