The Crater Geographic Location in Lavera | World Anvil
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The Crater

In the northernmost part of Lavera, between the coast of the Tooth and islands called the Craitiers, a large part of water lies, called the Crater. It’s name is due to us shape which very much resemble the small craters found elsewhere in the world but it is not known if this such a crater, and it is doubted as the only other craters found are at most one or two meters in diameter.   The coasts of the sea are, as any other coast, rich of fish but just after some kilometer there seems to be an unusual small another by of fish. Even birds seem to be more rare. If you would continue towards the centrum of the Crater you would after twenty or so kilometers find no life at all, and by this poor by most, in not all, sailors has turned back. If fear has not turned you back by now it may soon will. At the centrum of the Crater undead fishes and large aberrations of death swim around, hungering for flesh of the living. Largest of the monsters is a Nihileth, an undead Aboleth, that lives right where the power stone of death lies.   The power stone of death is an magical artifact of enormous power, strong enough to rival the might of demigods. The magic of death is the magic that allows for creating undead controlling them and talking with the dead. This magic is not normally found within Lavera and the sole source of the death magic in Lavera is the power stone of death. While close to the centrum of the Crater the death magic is so strong that even a low level spell caster could use higher level necromancy. In Lavera a soul will not linger for more than some days normally, in extreme cases for up to a month, and after that time it would be impossible for even the most educated spellcasters to revive someone. In such a case the magic of the power stone of death could bring back the soul to the body if you took the body to the centrum of the Crater. The magic of death does sadly not have the power to restore life and therefore the body of the dead would wake up as a zombie and until the former dead person was revived by the magic of life it would remain a mindless undead carrying a nearly dead soul.   History: Long ago, around 9000 years before today, a meteorite fell from the sky and crushed into the north of Lavera, shattering the land, creating the sea called the Crater and the islands called the craitiers. The meteorite contained a powerful artifact, the power stone of death. From that day the power stone of death is resting within the meteorite at the bottom of the Crater. Along the coasts of the Crater sea life started spreading but it did never spread into the Crater. Instead the opposite happened and death started spreading. Some fishermen tried to sail into the centrum of the Crater but nearly none came back, those who did talked about giant undead creatures, stuff out of nightmares and were seen as mad men. People have always feared these waters since ten. Some because they think it will make you go crazy and other s because of the monsters of the sea.

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