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They see the earthen element as bad and evil due to gods and monsters in their mytology.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their is traditional orcen names and the huamn names which they have taken on. For human names they take shorter human names common in the area they live.   Traditional orcen names often have two syllables and never more than three. They generally are similiar to shorter Mongolian names.


At first a wandering race, hunting for food in the northern parts of Lavera. They generally did not hunt other humanoids but if they had to kill others who lived in their hunting area they did not waste the meat.   The wild and chaotic nature of the Orcs made them enemies of many other races. In the western forests elves fought orcs for both land and the difference in culture and ideas. On the Far eastern plains halflings set up traps to defend their villages when orc parties tried to get rid of settlements in what they saw as their hunting ground. Humans treated orcs as any other monster and wanted nothing to do with them.   In teh Battle between Orcs and Elfs the northern elfs batteld hard but the southern fled and hid.   With time the orcs lost more and more battles and was forced to create own settlements and structures to rival their enemies. These new orc encampments lead to fear in the other races and the war turned even worse, with war crimes committed on all sides. While orcs were stronger, more brutal, and did not give up they had other weaknesses. The most important was their ability to perform magic. While they were as affinite to magic as other races they had not studied it nor evolved it as much. Their magic was raw and in most cases acted as enhancements to the casters, as in armors of ice, flaming fists, skin hardened by rock or levitation. While these type of enhancements gave an even bigger advantage in battle than their size and brutality did, it did not match the effectiveness of more complex spells during the right time and place in the battlefield.   The orcs lost more and more ground, mostly to the humans. A few Orcs, called The Last True Chieftains, in control choose to make a pact with the humans, ending the war, but giving the humans power to control over the orcs. At first the human influence was small but with the years it became more and more and soon in the end there was no orcen town left with more than 50% orcs. While some orcs see The Last True Chieftains as savior of the orcs and brings of peace and prosperity in the human, more civilized, way of living, others see them as traitors to the race and culture. With the new human lords much of the old religion and traditions disappeared.

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