Buransk Settlement in Laurasia | World Anvil


A small town in the far east of Kirov, nestled between the forest and the mountain range.


A small and quiet settlement since ancient times, Buransk was for a while the seat of a local petty kingdom. Without much in the way of levies to muster or political leverage, the petty kingdom of Buransk found itself absorbed into the greater kingdom of Kirov as it coalesced.

Baron Eoforwine Cyneweard has been the ruling Baron for most of Kirovan history without notable incident.


Low built stone structures, typically of only one story. The ground floors of most structures are built from blue tinted schist type rock native to the neighboring mountains.

Upper parts of structures, including roof framing and additional stories, are constructed from local timbers. Oak and ash are favoured, but aspen and sycamore are also commonly used as structural timbers.

Most roofs are thatched, but some larger structures such as the castle are roofed with rough wooden shingles.

Exterior facing structural timbers, window shutters, and doors are coated in white lime wash. It is common among the more well off peasantry to paint over lime washed decorative carved timbers and window shutters with oil based paints.
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Dutrius


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