The Third Quarter, Citadelis Settlement in Launtrel | World Anvil

The Third Quarter, Citadelis


This Quarter dictates the half of the city that is more friendly to the common citizen. It is filled with randomly placed houses and stores, bustling with people going to and from to their various errands.


  • The Hall of Vegetation: The Hall of Vegetation is a darker green building with carvings of vines, trees, and other plants along the outside. This museum, or hall, is a collection of all of the known plants and vegetation of Atithe. There are smaller exhibits that holds plants of the other realms, but they are far from complete and exhaustive.
  • Citadelis Outfitters: A boutique styled single story shop with a beautiful display in the window of the various styles offered. Hanging above the door is a cute sign saying "Citadelis Outfitters".
  • Hall of Creatures: The Hall of Creatures is another large building with tan bricks engraved with various native creatures and animals along the outside. The building is clearly five stores tall, with a windowless floor that meets the roof. Inside, a traveler can find exhibits featuring taxidermy animals and creatures native to Atithe and other realms. One might notice that the creatures and animal shown are relatively harmless animals like deer, dire wolves, and various species of birds. Insects and reptiles are also displayed in smaller halls.
  • Narka's Iron: A industrial looking building with a fenced in section with a forge and anvil. The whole area around this building smells like metal. Above the entrance is a simple metal sign depicting an anvil and hammer.


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