Our Research Mission in Late Jurassic Earth | World Anvil

Our Research Mission

We, being Eiki and I, have been tasked by the People's Association to study the extinct saurian species. We won't just be studying the saurian species of course, we will go in depth on the environments, islands, mainlands, fauna and flora, of possibly the entire planet. It purely depends how much time the PA will give us, but we will try and document as much as we can.

With this project being one of the first studying extinct species, we haven't mastered time travel. That means that at any point everything could go wrong and we could be stuck here, or we could be flung through time and space, ending up anywhere at any time. We really don't know, but we were promised that it's unlikely.



I'm Aipo, and I'm the self-appointed leader of this two-man research trip. I'm usually the one documenting things, taking photos, hypothesising, while Eiki sits around and doodles in his many notepads or makes us food and drinks.


I'd call Eiki my assistant, since he really doesn't understand what we're doing. I don't know how the PA ever hired him, since he isn't exactly "intelligent", but I love him and I'm glad he sticks around. He provides good company too, and is excellent at following instructions, particularly mine.
  We are both members of the cilvarthian species, and are renowned for our understanding of various cultures, for our home planet, Cilvarth, displays a shocking range of cultures. We were both chosen for this mission partly because we were the only two to sign up for it, but also because we are dedicated at our jobs and enjoy the thrill of learning new things.

What We Will Be Studying:


The saurian species is our main focus, as it is the sapient species that made us travel out here in the first place. The saurians are a highly evolved dinosaur species; a large family of reptiles that dominated the planet for about 165 million years. To put that into context, humans existed for about two million years, and they almost killed Earth. Literally.


Permari is the island we have based ourselves and our research station on. We are cohabiting with the arborians, a small group of saurians, while our research station is nestled underground a few miles southeast of their treetop village.


The arborian race is just a small portion of the entire saurian species. Since we live on the same island, it is inevitable we will spend most of our time observing them and noting down our findings.
Late Jurassic Earth
Time Period
Late Jurassic, approx 140mya
Main Research


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