Laronde The Grand Scheme Timeline

The Grand Scheme

An overarching timeline of the major world events in Laronde

Time of the Deities

... 2600

The time from when the Deities came together to form Laronde, until they left to pursue their own desires.

  • 125 TD

    Creation of mortal beings
    Religious event

    The first races of Laronde are created.

  • 400 TD

    13 Prawlex

    Fall of Onteer
    Disaster / Destruction

    The fall of the nation of Onteer after the catastrophe at it's capitol Keert.

After the Ascension

2600 3177

The time since the Deities left and mortal races were left to their own devices.

  • 576 AA

    27 Tyloft

    Dorrait Nightstone Crowned Queen of Mythline
    Political event

    Dorrai become queen of Mythline

    Additional timelines
  • 576 AA

    18 Nupam 2245:00

    Night of the Eye

    A cosmic alignment allowing for powerful rituals. The Fall of the Gods occurred on this evening.

Time of the Return

3177 and beyond

The Era in which the Deities have returned to Laronde.

  • 4 TR

    28 Tyloft

    Death of Daemodred
    Life, Death

    Daemodred is slain by Wryz.

    Additional timelines
  • 4 TR

    31 Tyloft

    Wryz's Ascension
    Life, Supernatural

    Wryz absorbs the lifeforce of Daemodred and ascends to Godhood.

    Additional timelines
  • 4 TR

    26 Prawlex

    Wryz Ventures into the Void
    Military action

    Wryz leaves Laronde and sets off into the Void in search of the source of The Twisted.

    Additional timelines