Sutapa Settlement in Lanternal | World Anvil


On the southern coast of the Sea of Howza sits a meager population of Akarren loggers and druids who grow and chop trees for the production of paper.  

Trees Trees Trees

  Sutapa is a logging settlement devoted to producing lumber pulp to be shipped to Roue D'or to produce paper for its many mages and scholars. The small population of Sutapa entirely consists of young laborers who chop down the paper trees and a circle of druids who grow them back with nature magic.   While the druids have a permanent home at the outpost, the loggers themselves often cycle out every few months. The work is difficult and fast-paced to keep up with the demands from buyers and many loggers become worn out and ready to move on. As a result, the residents of nearby settlements view Sutapa as a provider of temporary work and quick cash for those who can stand the work. The Druids who run the organization make ample use of their magic to keep the standard of living in Sutapa in good quality, but even they are often overwhelmed by the great demand coming from across the sea.  
Yiles knew he was being rough on the boys, but he had to insist they maintain their speed to reach the quotas for the day. The field was nearly empty and Yiles promised them if they could finish before sundown he would prepare some honeyed hen breast for dinner. The promise of sweet meats always improved the boy's spirits, but Yiles really just needed them to finish their acre so that he could regrow the trees next group starting in the morning.
Founding Date
768 ER
Alternative Name(s)
Stump City
Trade post
Location under

Owned and Operated by the Daru circle of Druids.


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