Saint Lena of Aurum Vale Character in Lanternal | World Anvil

Saint Lena of Aurum Vale

Saint Lena

The strongest of wills and devout in her faith, Saint Lena stood against the invading Shey'in forces from unknown lands. Rallying the forces of Gattic Rock, Lena led the army to the final battle of the war for control of Miras.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born the only daughter to a family of farmers, Lena of Aurum Vale grew up impoverished in a land under siege from invaders across the sea. When her people knew only strife and hardship, Lena prayed to her gods. As a child she would often dream of signs from above, hints at upcoming changes and actions she needed to take. She learned quickly to keep these visions to herself as they sometimes caused her to receive negative attention.   As she grew older, Lena matured into a kind young woman that always put others ahead of herself no matter the personal cost. Over time she began to gather a small following to whom she taught lessons on the Five Divines and shared (indirectly) the morals and visions she dreamed of.   When the war started to grow to its peak, Lena became conscripted into the army. Continuing to receive visions of the future from the gods, Lena was able lead her companions to safety on innumerable occasions. As her comrades survived battle after battle due to her leadership Lena's following started growing even faster.   At age 25, once Lena had reached a high level of authority, she received her final vision. She saw a future where if she was unable to defend the pass at Gattic Rock near her home, all of Miras would be destroyed. Weeks spent convincing garrison after garrison culminated in Lena amassing a great army. On the final day, Lena's forces would meet the Shey'in army on the mountain pass as predicted.   Across her career as a soldier Lena became well known to the Shey'in leadership, and as such the enemy general sought her out for single combat. Their battle raged as forced from both side stopped to witness the great warriors' combat. Overpowering her opponent Lena went to land the final blow against the general, but she was struck suddenly from behind by the Arch-demon, Tor. Unknown to her from being obstructed from her visions, the Shey'in general has made a deal with the demon to win the war.   As she fell a great light befell the battlefield along with a legion of angelic, winged warriors who drove away the invaders. After she was laid to rest upon her funeral pyre, a large silvery star was found among her ashes. Those closest to the now canonized Saint Lena would take this star and use it to spread her teachings thus founding the Lenonian Church of The Five Divines.
"As Lena fell from from the Demon's blow, a great light fell upon the battle torn land. The winged warriors, bathed in searing white glow, from beyond came down from the heavens and repelled the forces of darkness"
— Excerpt from 'The Divinity'
Current Location
Year of Death
1 ER
Circumstances of Death
Martyred in Battle, killed by the Arch-demon Tor
Aurum Vale
Short, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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Jul 27, 2019 08:32 by William Belley

oooh i like that outcome at the end of the war ! there is a nice touch to it. Martyred and deified as an emblem. I'm sure that star is used a lot for religion and teaching purpose.   I think a couple quotes of former generals and armymen she rallied could make some nice third-view addition from her tale. like how she convinced people or how one saw on his perspective the text of the divinity in the sidebar.   A cool article ! Happy SummerCamp !

Jul 27, 2019 19:04 by E. Jones

Thank you, I really appreciate the comment. Saint Lena is definitely a character I want to come back to after Summer Camp is over, and I agree some more quotes from The Divinity would be a good idea.   If you are interested there are two related articles at Saint Lena's Cathedral and Lenonian Church of The Five Divines.