Rosara: Ascension of the King and related bylaws Tradition / Ritual in Lanternal | World Anvil

Rosara: Ascension of the King and related bylaws

In the event that the Crown is without a King, The royal court is permitted by virtue of this doctrine to appoint a candidate for coronation. Only when the following conditions are met may a candidate complete their ascension to the crown. If the candidate or appointed official has been deemed in violation of this doctrine they will become in violation of the law and will be sentenced there of.


1. Empty Crown

  1.a An empty crown Is to be defined as such: the lacking or absence of a king. In the period of an empty crown the reigning queen will substitute for the king until a new candidate for the King is crowned. A Queen cannot be permitted to substitute the king indefinitely, and failure to coordinate a replacement by the court shall be punishable by law.   1.b Any of the following circumstances can cause an “empty crown event“: The natural death of a King either through advanced age or sickness; the death of a King through force (i.e murdered by man or beast, forces of nature, etc. the resignation of a King either by law or choice.  

2. Qualifying a candidate

    2.a In the event that a king is lost to death, the first-born son of the King (hereinafter referred to as "Prince") will automatically become a candidate for the coronation. If the oldest living Prince is incapable of taking of crown, the next qualified appointment shall be the second oldest living Prince, and so on.   2.a.i If the King is lost and there are no Princes to be made candidates, the oldest living brother to the King shall become a candidate. If the oldest living brother to the King is incapable of taking of crown the next qualified appointment shall be the second oldest living brother, and so on.   2.a.ii If there are no male heirs to the crown, the husband of the eldest living daughter of the King (hereinafter referred to as "Princess") shall be appointed for coronation. If the most senior living Princess's husband is either incapable of taking the crown or if the oldest living Princess is not married so shall the second oldest living Princess's husband be appointed, and so on. If no Princesses are married (or no Princesses are present), continue through the Queen's brothers, then husbands of the Queen's sisters, etc.   2.a.iii If the King is lost and it has no living heirs and was not challenged to the crown, continue to 2.c   2.b If the King is lost by force of man and the man-made public announcement of his challenge to the crown, and there are no living heirs to the crown that man shall be immediately appointed to coronation. If there are no witnesses to the challenge, the man's candidacy will be void.   2.b.i If the King is challenged for the crown and is defeated and there are qualified living heirs, those heirs must themselves challenge the new candidate for rights to the crown.   2.c If the King is lost and there are no qualifying heirs or challengers, the Royal Court shall appoint a new candidate under the Queen's approval. If no Queen is present, the Royal Court must make final appointments on its own.  

3. Coronation

  3.a To complete the coronation the Crown Candidate must undergo a royal marriage.   3.a.i If the Crown Candidate is a Prince to the previous King, he may choose his own wife to become the next Queen.   3.a.ii If the Crown Candidate is a Prince to the previous King and cannot choose a marriage candidate for themselves, the reigning Queen shall appoint a marriage candidate for them.   3.a.iii If the Crown Candidate is a Prince to the previous King and is already married, their current wife shall be ascended to the new Queen by a new marriage ceremony.   3.b If the Crown Candidate is a successful challenger to the crown they shall be married to the eldest unmarried Princess of the former King. If the challenger is already married, the existing marriage shall be annulled so that the new marriage may take place.   3.b.i If the Crown Candidate is a successful challenger and there is no living, unmarried Princesses of the former king, the Challenger shall be married to the reigning Queen. If the challenger is already married, the existing marriage shall be annulled so that the new marriage may take place.   3.b.ii If the Crown Candidate is a challenger and there are no living unmarried Princesses of the former king or a raining queen, or the Challenger is already married, the challenger's wife shall be ascended to the queen through a new marriage ceremony upon approval by the Royal Court.   3.b.iii If the Crown Candidate is a successful challenger and there is not a qualified living daughter, reigning queen, or previous wife, the royal court shall appoint a marriage candidate to be approved by the Crown Candidate.   3.c Once a final marriage candidate has been selected, the Crown Candidate shall be crowned King and then wed to the new Queen by successive ceremonies; thus completing his ascension to king. Upon the raising of the new Queen, the former Queen shall be removed from her station if applicable. Any family of the former King may remain as part of the royal line and are subject to the above rules of succession.
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Cover image: by Midjourney


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