Sciurans Species in Lantartia | World Anvil
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One of the friendliest and more festive races of the world, on par with hartenders. Sciurans combine a very strong sense of community and optimism that teaches them to see the best in others, which sharpens their sense of justice. They tend to be very open and good judge of characters. To the point they crafted a reputation as guardians of all thats ethical and fair. Their culture has heavily influenced most court systems in the realms of the world, where such systems exist. The best example of such influence probably is the huge federative agreement between the elven Kingdom of Val Laiknil with the fey and other sylvan races of the Melko Lum Rainforests. It’s acknowledged that it couldn’t have been done without the sciuran voucher for it.
Sciurans look like a bipedal squirrel the size of a cat, but with a flashy fur pattern sporting black or nut-brown heads, backs and legs, snow-white fur on the sides of their bodies, sometimes extending to their knees, wine-red fur on their belies that changes to brownish or rust red around the shoulders and on their arms. For the unaware or unskilled observer they can appear cute and weak, but they usually are able combatants and agile. In stressful situations, like combat, strong will and empathy turn into precise coordination, which surely makes up for their size and allow them to fight in fierce death dance like swarms. It may not be what they are most known for, but movement defines them more than anything else. To a point that they seem always to be active, in or out of debates.
Profile Highlights:
(Humanoid, Sciuran)

Bestial outlook: squirrel;
Jumping talented;
120 years.
Related Myths

Cover image: by Omar Rayyan


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