Dragons, True Species in Lantartia | World Anvil
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Dragons, True

Dragons were the last race that have immigrated to Lantartia and they came with a bang; a dying pantheon, a whole new continent - the picked up pieces, reminiscent of their broken homeland, after a thousands of years journey.

They also heralded the encroaching Menace of Dissolution: a universes-ripping doom, dawning the end of the second Eon and threatened time’s existence itself. This desperate flight and the Long Stand against the Dissolution changed the dragons deeply and fundamentally. They lost almost all they knew and faced nigh extermination. The ultimate Triumph was not only theirs, for not even their United might could be enough. The Triumph meant life carried on, full of new forms, and it consolidated their place in Lantartia in the eyes of other peoples.

For the Race of The Dragon, their ancient archetypical lineages dwindled, transformed and mixed. A mystical and long process that remodeled the mighty and wise people. They hoist a spectra of colors and flares of scales, along with diverse arrays of mystical abilities and proper magic or psychic powers that are broadly determined by their lineage, but also unique to each individual.

There are tens of predominant family lines and thousands of derived or minor families. All of them encompasses the most obvious true dragon’s traits and feature two possible body types: the draconian and rudra forms.

Draconians are typically smaller, bipedal and can exhibit more focused draconic characteristics like raw elemental breath weapon but no wings. All of them can regenerate limbs or other body parts and recover faster from lasting injuries.
Rudras have the archetypical quadrupedal draconic form and tend to have more mystical abilities and are usually bigger.

Both belong to the same species and there are no subraces for true dragons, even though the dragons lineages are sometimes mistaken as such. It’s also very common that families have draconians and rudras represented, while a few rare ones composed of only one type.

Profile Highlights:

Aquatic: per specific lineage;
Brutish fierce;
Details oriented;
Elementally bound;
Knowledge focused;
Non mammalian;
Psychic: per specific lineage;

Dragons are autonomous and can speak from birth, but mature around 100 years old. They continue to advance physically and mentally throughout their centuries and can live to be about age 5,000.


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