Qhera Noblewind Character in Lands of Tiamat | World Anvil
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Qhera Noblewind

Queen Qhera Noblewind

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sleek and streamline for flight, with long sharply pointed wings. Wisps of smoke are occassionally seen flowing off her wings.

Apparel & Accessories

Qhera wears a flowing gown of many colors, as befit the color scheme of royal attire, though her's keeps to a more red and black then all five colors of Tiamat. Unlike her husband, she does not wear a magical crown, prefering to keep to a more simple appearance. On her arms are many bracelets from across the ages and on one finger is a telepathic ring, linked to her husband's. Around her neck is an amulet of dragon bone, enchanted specifically to allow free passage through the Arcane Gates.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Qhera and her sisters were made from the flames of the Red Dragon God, Akrenae, for the purpose of prolonging a cultural war that amused him. Though fire elementals, they were given the general shape of aaracokrans and each looked identical to the others so that any one could take the place of another seamlessly. For many decades, all Qhera knew was the war and the dragonsong of her maker; there was no need for food, drink or sleep to divide the days farther. Until she met the scout who would become her husband: Arnet Noblewind.   She encountered this avian man many times on her mission, and each time he would fight her to keep his home safe. She does not know when this pattern shifted, but their battles became almost playful if still very brutal. She found herself taking patrol more often to encounter him again and again. It was not her task to kill, so she was not sure what this fascination way at first. It was something outside the dragonsong.   Events led to her being freed of the dragonsong, with assistance from Arnet, and she tried to find a place within his home for herself, though she was never quite able to be accepted because of how she had been an enemy not to long before, and she always feared her creator would search for her one day. This did not stop her from having a family though, even if the ability to bear a child was something she had to bargain her innate immortality for due to it not being a natural thing for her type of being.   Once she became a mother, her nerves about living among the people were eased, able to focus more on her daughter, who was accepted wholeheartedly by the community. However, all was not right and the war would not end simply because she chose to not fight in it. Her husband vanished shortly before their home was attacked, and in this chaos Qhera lost track of her daughter. Some magical force ended the battle but trapped those within the city of Cast Lea in a bubble of magic. It was only her connection to the dragon that allowed Qhera to escape this prison, and she attempted to demand the location of her husband and daughter from the god.   And he killed her for it, but not before she took his eye.   Following her death, Qhera was bound to a different dragon, the Black dragon Vexaleon of the southern kingdom. She served for millenia as one of her many grim reapers, trapped in the form of a crow, though distinguishable by the absense of a wing. Though she could still fly, this wing Akrenae tore from her body was not reformed in death. Qhera found her daughter after this, turned into a medusa by an agreement with the red dragon to save their home in the battle. She attempted to care for her child even as a soul reaper, often bringing her small animals to cook and leading her to places of shelter when she could.   For thousands of years, she did not know what became of her husband, but she could not find him among the souls of the dead. It was only in the final years of the Fallen Era that she discovered Arnet, still alive, and by a mix of circumstances and seemingly random chance, in guardianship of their child, now cursed once more to take the form of a child. This child madusa and the aaracokran man did not know each other consciously, but she could tell they instinctively were pulled to one another even across the years.   Qhera had to stay on the sidelines, unable to communicate to her loved ones, but she did attempt to keep them safe as she could and watch as their party became great warriors that would save the entire nation.   Qhera's second death came as the dragonslayers attacked Vexaleon, at which point a artifact known as Stormshear was used to strike her and it unraveled the very magic that made up her being, leaving her entirely unmade.   Her next memories came as Tiamat, now fully reformed, reconstructed the fire aaracokran woman, by use of a Wish from her daughter; as a reward for the party's assistance. Since then, she has served as queen to the new king, Arnet Noblewind.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Blinded the eye of a god when his madness threatened those she loved.
  • Indirectly kept a party of adventurers safe during their journey to their own hero's tale.
  • Fought against an army to save a goddess of death, during the Day of Mourning, in so doing preserving the enchantment that kept the citizens of the nation alive despite their occassionally dangerous celebrating.
  • Aids in ruling the Kingdom of Nobletrie, as Queen.
  • Failures & Embarrassments

  • Kept a war going for decades, by the will of her maker, leading to the deaths of many for his amusement.
  • Failed to save her husband and daughter in the past.
  • Failed to ultimately save the goddess of death, and those her magic protected.
  • Failed to tell her family the truth of her origins until long after it could have aided them, particularly her cursed daughter.
  • Failed to convince more of the other kingdoms to join in her husband's growing empire, leading to border hostilities and slow aid given to others that need it.
  • Social

    Family Ties

    Maker: Akrenae, the Red dragon head of Tiamat
    Husband: Arnet Noblewind
    Daughters: Mysa and Hallil
    Sons: Tres and Benmir

    In-laws: Noblewind House
    Species: Aaracokra (Fire Elemental)
    Year of Birth: Year 1 of the Fallen Era
    Age: Ageless
    Lawful Neutral
    Circumstances of Birth
    Created by Akrenae, remade by Tiamat
    Circumstances of Death
    Killed by Akrenae, unmade by Stormshear
    Current Residence
    Tall Helm Castle
    Gray-blue, round and catlike
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Earthy brown feathers, streaked in silver


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