Lands of legend The Ages of Legend Timeline
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The Ages of Legend

The First Age

... 1656 IV.A.

  • 1

    EOA brings light and life to the world

    Creating the first rainbow, Eoa breaks through his father's storm clouds and delivers light and life to the world.  As a result, Skeinor banishes him from the heavens and strips him of immortality.

  • 2

    The Founding of the Chromatic Empire

    Eoa asks his mother Raya for a gift. She presents him with a crystal prism wand. Shining the light of his heart through the wand, he creates the High Races and establishes the Chromatic Empire.

  • 572

    Emperor Eoa goes wandering - Regency Era Begins
    Political event

    After ruling over the Chromatic Empire for half a millennium, Eoa selects a group of advisors to lead the Empire while he absents himself to travel and explore.  He will not be seen again until the end of the Regency Era.

  • 771

    Emperor Eoa returns with twin children - Regency Era ends
    Life, Milestone

    Eoa returns with two infants in his arms and a somber attitude. He announces that these are his twin children, Korax and Clea. The Regents (actually, their successors) unanimously resign in favor of the Emperor retaking his throne.

  • 1558

    Eoa dies; Korax becomes the new Chromatic Emperor
    Life, Death

  • 1589

    The Casting of the Mune

    Clea used her magical power and her father's crystal prism wand to take Mt. Mune and cast it into the night sky to give travelers more light to see by.  Over time, Mune has turned into moon.

  • 1601

    Korax creates the first "Melds" a.k.a. monsters
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Korax begins to research epic magic. As an experiment, he uses his new dread powers to transform a small group of Yavune musicians into man-hyena hybrids. This would be the first successful attempt at Melding by Korax. It would not be his last.

  • 1602

    The Flight of the Voxa
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Voxa High Race fled from the Empire and ran to Clea, detailing her brother's plans to transform all of his subjects into monstrous creatures.  Clea gave the Voxa refuge and protected them from the Imperial soldiers who came to capture them.

  • 1608

    The First Soul Oaks appear
    Life, Birth

  • 1609


    The Great War begins
    Military action

    Unable to avoid conflict with her brother any longer, Clea creates the Army of Light and marches on her brother's capital city.

  • 1657

    The Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    An epic spell unleashed untold devastation upon the world, killing millions and destroying civilizations.  The Cataclysm created the Desolation in the center of the Lands where even now, thousands of years later, nothing healthy grows.

The Second Age

1657 IV.A. 2627 IV.A.

  • 1


    Elves colonize Feynault Forest
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 37

    First Appearance of Morgiana, the Queen of Air and Darkness
    Life, Supernatural

  • 101

    The village of Zhara is established

  • 101


    The Time of 1,000 Gods
    Era beginning/end

  • 858


    The Lost Years
    Era beginning/end

The Third Age

2628 IV.A. 4120 IV.A.

  • 1

    19 /7

    Founding of the Kingdom of Rosalind

  • 271


    The Great Crusade - Rosalind forces invade Aurulant
    Military action

    The Great Crusade, as it was named by its supporters, began on the 13th of Stomp, in the Year 271 of the Third Age. The entire military campaign was a complete disaster. The crusade lasted the better part of three years before King Barnard of Rosalind was killed by a stray arrow and his son, King Breeswald, ordered a general retreat. The entire affair cost the kingdom of Rosalind dearly.

  • 274


    The Betrayal Wars / Independence Wars
    Military action

    Prince Baldwin the Just, nephew of King Barnard and Lord Governor of the Province of Avcarias declared the province in revolt and a free nation called Carador.  The resistance in Avernin quickly joined the revolution of Avcarias/Carador, naming Brann Mac Muffyn as their war leader.

  • 274

    King Barnard the Pious dies; King Breeswald takes the throne
    Life, Death

  • 280

    The nations of Carador and Erynland are created

    After years of fighting, King Breeswald meets with delegates from the breakaway provinces. The Treaty of Aven is signed, recognizing the new countries of Erynland and Carador, and ceding to them all lands east of the Aven River.

  • 333

    10 /2

    King Breeswald the Kindly dies
    Life, Death

    On the 10th of Moorsnoh, King Breeswald the Kindly of Rosalind dies without naming an heir. His twin sons, the Princes Banquo and Bendil, both claim the rose crown for their own. Noble houses begin to take sides and prepare for civil war.

  • 333

    6 /8

    Prince Bendil crowned King of Rosalind
    Political event

    Queen Matilde, backed by several of the Noble Houses, declared for Prince Bendil, claiming he had been born a full seven minutes earlier than his brother Banquo.  On the 6th of Ebbinheet, Bendil was crowned King of Rosalind.  King Bendil made his brother Banquo Duke of Brentonnia, to hold in perpetuity through his line.

  • 338

    13 /3

    The Darkest Night - the reaping of Brentonopolis
    Criminal Activity

    Prince Banquo sold his soul to evil powers and gains a dread ritual.  Upon reciting the epic spell, he and his followers are ripped from life and become undead, while gaining the power to raise armies of undead soldiers from their graves.  Banquo and his new horde slaughter the population of Brentonopolis, Rosalind's capital city, including the king his brother and his mother the dowager queen.

  • 338

    30 /3

    Brant the Unready is crowned king in Lys
    Political event

    Prince Brant, oldest son the the murdered King Bendil, is crowned in a hasty coronation in the city of Lys. He promises to fight against the "Wraith King".

  • 338

    15 /4

    The Kingdom of Osseus is declared founded by the Wraith King

    A fortnight after King Brant was crowned, an unwilling emissary was sent from the Wraith King, who declared himself ruler over the three Lost Duchies (as they became known), which was now the undead realm of Osseus.

  • 384

    Last known invasion of Hobriland
    Military action

    Berran the Eager (known after his death as Berran the Overeager) of Rosalind ordered a general incursion into Hobriland in an attempt to establish a foothold. After several bloody skirmishes, Rosalind's armies withdrew completely, having failed to establish a foothold on the territory.

  • 385

    Knights of the Watch formed
    Life, Organisation Association

    King Berran establishes the Knights of the Watch to patrol the borders of Osseus and Hobriland.

  • 1418

    The Saurian Hex is cast
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Lizardfolk Archmage known as Slann, the Mad Lizard Wizard, casts the Saurian Hex, which transforms the eastern seacoast of the continent into a chaotic prehistoric land teeming with dinosaurs.  Worse yet, the Hex slowly transforms those who remain too long in the land into a dinosaur.

The Fourth Age

4120 IV.A. and beyond

  • 20

    The Guild of Valor Reopens its Doors
    Gathering / Conference

    After a long hiatus, the Guildmaster of the Guild of Valor announces that the guild will accept new members. Hundreds of would-be heroes flock to Avencourt to try their luck at membership. Few are tested, and even fewer are accepted into the Guild.